Stamp Act 1815

XXXIXAffidavits to be free of Stamp Duty, and to be transmitted to Commissioners of Stamps. Penalty for Neglect, 50l.

And be it further enacted, That every such Affidavit or Affirmation shall be exempt from Stamp Duty, and shall be transmitted to the said Commissioners of Stamps, together with a Copy of the Will or Extract or Account of the Letters of Administration to which it shall relate, by the Registrar or Other Officer of the Court whose Duty it shall be to transmit Copies of Wills and Extracts or Accounts of Letters of Administration to the said Commissioners for the better Collection of the Duties on Legacies and Successions to Personal Estate upon Intestacy; and if any Registrar or other Officer whose Duty it shall be shall neglect to transmit such Affidavit or Affirmation to the said Commissioners of Stamps as hereby directed, every Person so offending shall forfeit the Sum of Fifty Pounds.