
LIIAffidavits relating to Stamp Duties, if no express Provision, to be made before Commissioners, &c.

And-be it further enacted, That all Affidavits and solemn Affirmations in the Case of Quakers-required by this or any former or future Act of Parliament, or which shall be required by the said Commissioners of Stamps to be made, for the Satisfaction of the said Commissioners, of and concerning any Facts or Circumstances upon which they are to execute the Powers vested in them by this or any other Act, or for the Verification of any Accounts of or concerning the Duties under their Management, or for any other Purpose relating to such Duties, shall, in all Cases not otherwise expressly provided for, be made before the said Commissioners or any One or more of them, or before a Master in Chancery, Ordinary or Extraordinary, in England, or before any Person duly commissioned to take Affidavits by the Court of Session or the Court of Exchequer in Scotland, or before One of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace in Scotland.