Duchy of Lancaster Act 1812

XInstrument to be enrolled in the Office of the Auditor of the Land Revenue.

And be it further enacted, That every Agreement, Deed, Conveyance and Lease authorized by this Act, together with a Map or Plan of the Land exchanged, fold, or demised thereby, shall be enrolled in the Office of the Auditor of His Majesty's Land Revenue, and a Minute or Docquet thereof entered and preserved in the Office of the said Commissioners of His Majesty's Woods, Forests, and Land Revenues, or in the Office of the said Surveyor General of His Majesty's Woods and Forests for the Time being ; and that from and after such Enrolment or Entry, His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, in right of the Crown shall be deemed to be in the actual and lawful Seisin and Possession of any Land taken in Exchange ; and that the Party with whom such Exchange shall be so made, shall have, hold, and enjoy the Lands and Premises so given in Exchange, as of the same Tenure, and subject to the same Charges and inverted with the same Rights and Privileges, as the Land taken in Exchange was before such Exchange legally subject to and inverted with; but freed and discharged from any other Right, Title or Claim of the Crown to the Soil, than such as shall be incident to the Nature of such Tenure, and from all Common of Pasture and other Rights of Common ; and the Party to whom any Land shall have been so fold, or conveyed by Exchange, shall hold or enjoy the same, freed from any Right, Title, or Claim of the Crown, and from all Common of Pasture or other Right of Common,