VILand to be exchanged or sold, to be surveyed by practical Surveyors.

Provided always, and be it further enacted, That in order to secure a true and just Price to be set on the Land of the Crown, and on that of Individuals to be given in Exchange, and also on the Land of the Crown to be fold by virtue of this Act, the same in every Instance shall be valued by an able arid practical Surveyor of Land to be appointed by the Commissioners of His Majesty's Woods, Forests, and Land Revenues, or by the Surveyor General of His Majesty's Woods and Forests for the Time being, on behalf of His Majesty ; and the Land Surveyor so appointed for making such Valuation shall certify, by his Report in Writing under his Hand, what is in his Judgment the true and fair Worth and Value of the Lands and Premises so by him surveyed and valued, clear of all Taxes, Assessments and Reprizes whatever ; and shall also annex to such Survey or Estimate or Valuation, an Oath or (being one of the People called Quakers) an Affirmation, taken and subscribed by him before any one of the said last-mentioned Commissioners, or before such said Surveyor General, or before any One of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for the County wherein any such Land proposed to be exchanged or fold shall be, which Oath or Affirmation they are hereby respectively authorized to administer, and which Oath or Affirmation shall be in the Form following; (that is to say),

I A. B. do swear [or, being a Quaker, do solemnly affirm], That the Survey or Account hereto annexed was faithfully and impartially made by me ; that the Value of the Property of the Crown, and of C.D. therein contained, is justly estimated therein according to the best of my Skill and Judgment; and that all the Particulars stated in the said Survey are true, to the best of my Knowledge and Belief.

Which Oath or Affirmation so taken and subscribed shall be filed with, the Survey and Estimate, in the proper Office for depositing the fame.