Public Records (Scotland) Act 1809

XIIRegisters by Law transmissible periodically to the General Register House, to be delivered within Six Months after Completion. Penalties on Officers disobeying.

And whereas it is expedient that the Transmission of the successive Volumes or Books of the several Public Records, from the Offices in which they are formed, to His Majesty's General Register House, should be made with the least possible Delay; -be it enacted, That within in Months after the patting of this Act, the Keepers of the several Public Records which are by Law transmissible to His Majesty's General Register House, shall deliver all the Volumes or Books of their respective Records that are already completed, together with the Minute Books and the Warrants thereof, to the Lord Clerk Register or his Deputies; and that in all Time coming thereafter the successive Books or Volumes of these Records shall in all Cases be delivered to the Lord Clerk Register or his Deputies within Three Months after the same have been severally completed and filled up; and if the Keepers of these Records shall refuse or neglect to make such regular Transmission of the successive Books of their respective Records, it shall be competent for the Lord Clerk Register to present a luminary Application to the Lords of Council and Session, complaining of such Refusal and Neglect, by whom Warrants shall be granted for issuing Letters of Horning against such Keeper or Keepers, in order to enforce Obedience to this Act, and by whom such further Pains and Penalties may be inflicted by Fine, not exceeding Fifty Pounds on such Defaulters, as in the Circumstances of the Cafe shall seem jut, to be applied by the Lord Clerk Register to the Purposes of the Establishment of His Majesty's General Register House.