Public Records (Scotland) Act 1809

VIIPenalties on Officers will-fully refusing or neglecting.

And, in order that the aforesaid Provisions of this Act respecting the Delivery of the several Commissary or Burgh Records to the Lord Clerk Register and the several Sheriff Clerks and Stewart Clerks respectively, may be faithfully and punctually carried into Execution ; be it enacted, That it shall be competent for the Lords of Council and Session, on a summary Complaint by the Lord Clerk Register, to inflict such Penalties, not exceeding the Sum of Fifty Pounds for each Offence, upon any Sheriff Clerk or Stewart Clerk, Burgh Clerk, or Commissary Clerk, wilfully refuting or neglecting to comply with the aforesaid Provisions of this Act, and to make such further Orders thereon as may appear to them to be necessary, such Penalties being in all Cases recoverable by the Lord Clerk Register, and folely applicable by him to the Purposes of the Establishment of His Majesty's General Register House.