
XXVIIRights and Interests of the Crown in the Forest of Brecknock may be fold.

And whereas His Majesty, in Right of His Crown, is Owner of the Soil of the Great Forest of Brecknock in the County of Brecknock, and of the Mines, Minerals, and other Substances within and under the same, and is also entitled to the Herbage thereof, subject to the Depasturage of Cattle of Occupiers of certain Lands within and adjacent to the said Forest, at annual, fixed, and customary Payments 5 And whereas by reason of such Depasturage of Cattle, and the Nature and Extent of the laid Forest, and of the ' Soil, the Rights and Interests of His Majesty therein cannot be made productive in their present State, and it is therefore expedient that Power should be given to dispose of the same ; be it therefore enacted, That it shall be lawful for the said Surveyor General for the Time being, to contract and agree with any Person or Persons, or any Bodies Politick or Corporate, for the Sale of the Soil, Mines, or other Minerals, or other Substances or Herbage, or any other Rights or Interests of His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, in the said Forest or any Part thereof, or in any Manner appertaining thereto or existing within the same, within the ordering and Survey aforesaid, at or for the best Prices or Considerations in Money which the said Surveyor General shall be able to procure for the same, and which shall be approved of by the Lord High Treasurer or Commissioners of the Treasury for the Time being ; and the Purchase Monies to be paid for the same shall from Time to Time be paid into the Bank of England to the same Account, and shall be invested in the Purchase of Stock of the same Denominations; and the Stock so purchased, and the Interest and yearly Dividend arising therefrom, shall be applied in the same Manner, and subject to the same Regulations as are herein-before prescribed with respect to the Purchase Monies arising from the Sales of Crown Lands herein-before authorized; and such Sales of any such Rights and Interests in the said Forest shall be made in the same Manner and under the same Regulations, and the Certificates and Receipts to be given shall be in the same Form mutatis mutandis as are herein-before directed with respect to the Sales of Crown Lands; and from and immediately after the Enrolment of the said Certificate and Receipt in the Office of the Auditor of the Land Revenue ; and thenceforth for ever the respective Purchasers, their - Heirs, Successors, and Assigns, shall be adjudged, deemed, and taken to be in the actual Seisin and Possession of the Premises so by them respectively purchased, and shall hold the same peaceably and quietly, freed and discharged of and from all Claims and Demands which can or maybe made by His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors, or by any Person or Persons lawfully claiming by Him or under Him or them, and of and from all Manner of Incumbrances whatsoever, as fully and amply to all Intents and Purposes as His Majesty, his Heirs and Successors, might or could have; held or enjoyed the same: