
XIXWhere Houses of certain Value agreed to be built on Land under Lease from the Crown, whereon other Houses are Handing, new Leases of the Whole maybe granted.

XIX. And whereas by the said recited Act of the Thirty-fourth Year of His present Majesty, it is amongst other Things enacted, That it shall not be lawful to renew any Grant or Lease of any Tenements or Hereditaments authorized by the said Act to be granted for any Term not exceeding Ninety-nine Years, until within Twenty Years of the Period of the Expiration of the same, except in certain Cafes therein specified : And whereas it is expedient that a Power of Renewal should be allowed in other Cafes not specified in the said Exception ; be it therefore enacted, That where any House or other Building shall require or shall be intended and agreed to be rebuilt, or any new House or other Building to be erected upon any Land or Ground belonging to the Crown, within the ordering and Survey aforesaid, held under a Lease from the Crown, upon which other Houses or Buildings included in the same Lease are standing, if the Lessee or Grantee shall covenant and agree to build a new House or Building, or to rebuild a House or Building of such Value as to increase the Value of the whole Property included in such Lease, it shall be lawful at any Time or Times hereafter to grant any further or other Lease of all such Land or Ground, with the Houses and Buildings thereupon, as were included in the former Lease, for any Term or Estate (except for Life or Lives) not exceeding the Terms and Estates authorized by- the said recited Act of the Thirty-fourth Year aforesaid, to be granted; provided that in every such Lease there be reserved and made payable to His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, such Rent as is by the laid last mentioned Act or this Act required to be reserved, and that Covenants or Conditions be inserted therein on the Part of the respective Grantees or Lessees for erecting such new Houses or Buildings, or rebuilding such Houses or Buildings, within a reasonable Time, to be in such Cafe limited and appointed for that Purpose, and that such respective Improvements shall be of the requisite Value.