
XISurveyor General may sell the Premises herein mentioned. Application of the Purchase Money.

And whereas by an [38 G. 3. c. 60.] Act passed in the Thirty-eighth Year of His present Majesty, intituled, An Act for making perpetual, subject to Redemption and Purchase in the Manner therein fated, the several Sums of Money now charged in Great Britain as a Land Tax for One Tear, from the Twenty-fifth Day of March One thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight; and another [42 G. 3. c. 116.] Act passed in the Forty-second Year of His said present Majesty, intituled, An Act for consolidating the Provisions of the several sifts passed for the Redemption and Sale of the Land Tax into One Act, and fir making further Provision for the Redemption and Sale thereof, and for removing Doubts respecting the Right of Persons claiming to vote at Elections for Knights of the Shire and other Members to serve in Parliament, in respect of Messuages, Lands, or Tenements, the Land Tax upon which shall have been redeemed or purchased; the said Surveyor General of the Land Revenues of the Crown for the Time being was empowered to contract for the Sale, from Time to Time, of such or so much of the Manors, Messuages, Lands, Tenements, Tythes, Mines, Minerals, Collieries, Woods, Wood Grounds, Fens, Marshes, or Waste Lands belonging to the Crown, within the Survey or Receipt of the Exchequer in England, as would raise a Sum sufficient for the Redemption of the Land Tax charged on the Land Revenue belonging to the Crown: And whereas in pursuance of the said recited Provision, certain Parts of the Property of the Crown which are least productive in Proportion to their Value, have been selected for the Purpose of being fold, and a large Part thereof has actually been fold to great Advantage, and the Augmentation of the Land Revenue of the Crown ; but a considerable Portion of the different Kinds of Property so selected for Sale will Hill remain undisposed of, after the necessary Fund for the Redemption of such Land Tax shall have been raised ; and it is expedient that Power should be continued .to the said Surveyor General to fell the said Portion of Property so remaining undisposed of under the said recited Acts, and to make further Sales of Property of the like Description ; be it therefore enacted, That it shall be lawful for the said Surveyor General for the Time being, to contract or .agree with any Person or Persons, or any Bodies Politic or Corporate, for the Sale from Time to Time of such Manors or Lordships belonging to the Crown as consist of Manerial Rights and Quit Rents, without any Lands or with very small Quantities of Land belonging to them ; and where the greater Part of the Lands over which the Manerial Rights extend is the property of Individuals, and of Manors or Lands of which His Majesty is not the sole Proprietor, but is entitled to an undivided Share jointly with Individuals, and of Lands dispersed in small Quantities, and intermixed with the Property of Individuals, and lying remote from other Property belonging to the Crown, and of Grounds or Buildings appertaining to or anciently held with any Castle or strong Building now or lately used for a Common Gaol, or with any Building used for holding the Affixes of Sessions in any County or District, or for a Court House or Gaoler's House, Or in which the Magistrates of any County or District may claim to have Rights from Length of Use or Enjoyment for the public Purposes of such ' County or District, and of Tythes belonging to the Crown issuing out of Lands which are the Property of Individuals, and of Mills, Fisheries, and Ferries, and Mooring Chains and Wastes belonging to the Crown, the Possession of which has been usurped or encroached upon, for the best Prices or Confederations in Money which the laid Surveyor General shall be able to "procure for the same, and the Purchase Money to be paid far the same shall from Time to Time be paid into the Bank of England to the Account of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, in like Manner as the Monies arising from the Safes of Land Revenue authorized by the said recited Acts of the Thirty-eighth and Forty-second Years of His present Majesty are directed to be paid ; and all Sales made under this Ads. of the Property herein-before described, shall be made in the same Manner and Form, and under the like Rules, Regulations, and Provisions and, shall be to all Intents and Purposes as valid and effectual as if the same had been made under the said recited Acts of the Thirty-eighth and Forty-second Years of His present Majesty, or either of them.