Duchy of Lancaster Act 1808

VLeases may be renewed at any Time, as far as relates to Lands deemed proper for Gardens.

Provided also, and be it further enacted, That whenever Lands 6r Grounds, or Part of any Lands or Grounds held under any Lease or Grant from His Majesty or His Royal Predecessors, shall have been or be deemed proper and fit as aforesaid for Gardens, Yards, Curtilages or other Appurtenances as aforesaid, it shall be lawful at any Time during the Continuance of the Demise of any such Lands or Grounds, to renew the Lease or Grant thereof, or of such Part thereof as aforesaid, under such Provisions and Conditions as are herein-before prescribed, for the Demise or Grant of any Land or Ground to be used as a Garden, Yard, Curtilage or other Appurtenance,