
XXXIIIPenalties on Stewards of Manors neglecting to make out and deliver Copies of Court Roll within Four Months.

And be it further enacted, That in all Cases of Surrenders, Admittances, and voluntary Grants of or to any Copyhold or Customary Lands or Hereditaments, and in all Cases of Licences to demise any such Lands or Hereditaments, which shall be taken, made, or granted in Court, after the Tenth Day of October One thousand eight hundred and eight, the Steward of the Manor or Honour whereof such Lands or Hereditaments shall be Parcel or be holden shall make out a Copy of Court Roll of every such Surrender, Admittance, voluntary Grant, and Licence to demise, on Vellum, Parchment, or Paper, duly stamped according to the Directions of this Act, within Four Calendar Months next after the Surrender, Admittance, voluntary Grant, or Licence shall be made or granted, and shall deliver the same to the Party or Parties entitled thereto, or any other Person authorized to receive the same, whenever the same shall be called for, after the Expiration of such Four Calendar Months; and if the same shall not be called for then the Steward shall deliver the same to the Bailiff of the Manor or Honour, or to the Crier of the Court, or to some Copyhold or Customary Tenant of the Manor or Honour, for the Use of the Party or Parties entitled thereto, at the next General Court to be holden for the said Manor or Honour; and if any such Steward shall neglect to make out and deliver such Copy or Copies of Court Roll, in the Manner and within the Time aforesaid, he shall forfeit the Sum of Fifty Pounds for every such Surrender, Admittance, voluntary Grant, and Licence to demise, of which he shall neglect to make out and deliver a Copy of Court Roll in the Manner and within the Time aforesaid; and the Stamp Duty payable in respect of every such Copy of Court Roll shall be a Debt to His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, of the Steward so neglecting to make out and deliver the same, whether he shall have received the Duty or not, and if he shall not have received the Duty the same shall also be a Debt to His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, of the Party or Parties entitled to such Copy of Court Roll; and the said Steward shall also be bound to make out and deliver such Copy of Court Roll to the Party or Parties entitled thereto, whenever afterwards the same shall be demanded, without being paid any Fees for the same, and if any Fees shall have been previously paid to him for the same such Fees shall be deemed to have been paid without Consideration, and the Party or Parties who paid such Fees, his, her, or their Executors or Administrators, shall be entitled to recover back the same in an Action for Money had and received to his, her, or their Use, with full Costs of Suit.