13 Persons applying for a Faculty to become Notaries within the jurisdiction of the Company of Scriveners, shall previously take their Freedom of the Company.U.K.

And whereas the incorporated company of scriveners of London, by virtue of its charter, hath jurisdiction over its members being resident within the city of London, the liberties of Westminster, the borough of Southwark, or within the circuit of three miles of the said city, and hath power to make good and wholesome laws and regulations for the government and control of such members and the said company of scriveners practising within the aforesaid limits, and it is therefore expedient that all notaries resident within the limits of the said charter should come into and be under the jurisdiction of the said company: all persons who may hereafter apply for a faculty to become a publick notary and practise within the city of London and the liberties thereof, or within the circuit of three miles of the same city, shall come into and become members and take their freedom of the said company of scriveners, according to the rules and ordinances of the said company, on payment of such and the like fine and fees as are usually paid and payable upon the admission of persons to the freedom of the said company, and shall, previous to the obtaining such faculty, be admitted to the freedom of the said company, and obtain a certificate of such freedom duly signed by the clerk of the same company for the time being, which certificate shall be produced to the master of faculties, and filed in his office prior to or at the time of issuing any faculty to such person to enable him to practise within the jurisdiction of the said company.