
IXMembers accepting any Office whatever from the King, or Lord Lieutenant, &c. of Ireland, shall vacate his Seat.

Provided always, That if any Person being chosen a Member of the House of Commons shall, from and after the passing of this Act, accept of any Office of Profit whatever, immediately and directly from the Crown of the said United Kingdom, or by the Nomination or Appointment, or by any other Appointment subject to the Approbation of the"-Lord Lieutenant, Lord Deputy, Lord Justices, or other Chief Governor or Governors of that Part of the said United Kingdom called Ireland, his Seat shall thereupon become vacant, and a "Writ shall issue for a new Election: Provided nevertheless, That such Person (if he be not incapacitated by any Thing herein-before contained), shall be capable of being again elected to be a Member of the House of Commons for the Place for which he had been a Member, or for any other Place sending Members to the House of Commons.