Professions Supplementary to Medicine Act 1960

Section 1.

FIRST SCHEDULEConstitutions of the Council and Boards, and Supplementary Provisions

PART IConstitution of the Council

1(1)Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Council shall consist of a total of twenty-one members and shall comprise—

(a)four persons appointed by the Privy Council and one person appointed by the Governor of Northern Ireland, of whom one person appointed by the Privy Council shall be resident in Scotland and another in Wales and of whom none shall be a registered medical practitioner or a member of a profession mentioned in section one of this Act;

(b)three persons appointed jointly by the Minister of Health, the Secretary of State for Scotland and the Minister of Health and Local Government of Northern Ireland, of whom one only shall be a registered medical practitioner and none shall be a member of a profession mentioned as aforesaid ;

(c)seven persons (in this Schedule referred to as " representative members of the Council"), of whom one shall be appointed by each of the boards established under this Act from among the representative members of that board ;

(d)three registered medical practitioners, of whom one shall be appointed by each of the English Colleges ;

(e)two registered medical practitioners appointed jointly by the Scottish Corporations ; and

(f)one registered medical practitioner appointed by the General Medical Council.

(2)For each representative member of the Council there shall be an alternate member who shall, subject to the provisions of this Schedule, be appointed from among its representative members by the same board and on the same occasion as the member for whom he is alternate.

2Each board may appoint two persons to act as additional members of the Council (without the right to vote) at a meeting at which the Council is considering a matter appearing to the Council to be of special interest to registered members of the profession for which the board is established

3(1)During the initial period as respects a board, the representative member of the Council and his alternate member who, apart from this sub-paragraph, are required to be appointed by the board from among its representative members shall instead be appointed jointly by the Ministers of the Crown mentioned in paragraph (b) above from among the members of the relevant profession.

(2)Before making an appointment under this paragraph as respects any profession, the said Ministers shall consult the body or bodies specified as respects that profession in the Second Schedule to the National Health Service (Medical Auxiliaries) Regulations, 1954 (which relate to the qualifications of persons for employment under the National Health Service in the professions mentioned in section one of this Act); and a person shall not be eligible for appointment under this paragraph unless—

(a)he is qualified, in relation to the profession in question, as mentioned in regulation 3 of those regulations or the corresponding provision in force in Scotland ; or

(b)he is recommended for appointment by the body or one of the bodies specified as aforesaid.

PART IIConstitution of the Boards

4(1)Subject to the provisions of this Act, a board shall consist of the total number of members specified as respects that board in the second column of the following table and shall comprise—

(a)the number of persons so specified in the third column of the table, who shall be members of the relevant profession chosen to represent the members of that profession (and who in this Schedule are referred to as " representative members of the board");

(b)the number of persons so specified in the fourth column of the table, who shall be registered medical practitioners nominated as indicated in that column ;

(c)one person (as indicated in the fifth column of the table) appearing to the Council, after consultation with the Minister of Education and the Secretary of State for Scotland, to be specially qualified to advise the board on problems affecting professional education generally ; and

(d)the number of other persons (if any) specified as respects the board in the sixth column of the table, who shall be persons appearing to the Council to satisfy the relevant requirements of paragraph 7 of this Schedule.


Medical practitioners nominated by:—
BoardTotal number of membersRepresentative members(a) The English Colleges jointly(b) The Scottish Corporations jointly(c) The British Medical Association(d) The Society of Medical Officers of HealthExperts in professional educationOther members
Medical Laboratory Technicians137411
Occupational Therapists17931112
Remedial Gymnasts1162111

(2)For each representative member of a board there shall be an alternate member who shall, subject to paragraph 11 of this Schedule, be elected or appointed on the same occasion as the member for whom he is alternate.

5(1)At least one representative member of a board and his alternate member shall reside and practise the relevant profession in Scotland and at least one other representative member of a board and his alternate member shall reside and practise that profession in Wales:

Provided that the foregoing requirement as to Scotland shall not apply to the Occupational Therapists Board, but at least two representative members of that board and their alternate members shall reside in Scotland and shall practise and have been trained as occupational therapists there.

(2)If a matter appearing to a board to be of special interest to registered members of the relevant profession residing and practising that profession in Northern Ireland is to be considered at a meeting of the board and no representative member, or alternate member acting as a member, of the board at the meeting resides and practices as aforesaid, the board shall appoint a registered member of the profession who so resides and practises to act as an additional member of the board (without the right to vote) while the matter in question is being considered.

(3)Five representative members of the Radiographers Board and their alternate members shall be diagnostic radiographers and the other representative and alternate members of that board shall be radiotherapeutic radiographers.

6Before the English Colleges or the Scottish Corporations nominate a person for appointment as a member of a board in pursuance of paragraph (b) of sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 4 above, they shall consult such body or bodies (if any) as they consider appropriate in relation to that nomination, being a body or bodies appearing to them to represent medical practitioners specialising in a field with which the board will be concerned.

7(1)Of the four members of the Dietitians Board appointed in pursuance of paragraph (d) of sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 4 above—

  • one shall be a member of the teaching staff of a university department concerned with the teaching of nutrition,

  • one shall be a member of the teaching staff of an institution where dietitians are trained,

  • one shall be an expert in the subject of nutrition working in the field of human nutrition, and

  • the other shall be a biochemist.

(2)Of the two members of the Occupational Therapists Board appointed in pursuance of the said paragraph (d), one shall be a person engaged in industry or technical education and the other shall be a member of the teaching staff of a university.

(3)The member of the Physiotherapists Board and the Radiographers Board appointed as aforesaid shall be a physicist.

(4)The member of the Remedial Gymnasts Board so appointed shall be an expert in physical education.

(5)Before making any appointment in pursuance of the said paragraph (d) the Council shall consult such bodies or persons as appear to it to be appropriate in relation to that appointment.

8(1)The members of a board, other than the representative members, shall be appointed by the Council.

(2)Subject to paragraph 11 of this Schedule, the representative and alternate members of a board taking office after the initial period shall be registered members of the relevant profession elected by the registered members of that profession in accordance with a scheme for that board prepared by the Council in consultation with the board and approved by the Privy Council.

(3)The representative and alternate members of a board taking office during the initial period shall be appointed by the Council after consultation with the relevant body or bodies mentioned in sub-paragraph (2) of paragraph 3 of this Schedule; and a person shall not be eligible for appointment under this sub-paragraph unless he is qualified or recommended as mentioned in that sub-paragraph:

Provided that in exercising its powers under this sub-paragraph the Council shall appoint the representative member of the Council and his alternate member appointed under paragraph 3 of this Schedule by Ministers instead of by the board to be two of the representative members of the board.

PART IIISupplementary Provisions relating to the Council and Boards


9The Council and each board shall be a body corporate with perpetual succession and a common seal.

Tenure of office etc. of members, alternate members and chairmen

10(1)Subject to the next following sub-paragraph and paragraph 11 of this Schedule, the representative and alternate members of a board taking office after the initial period and the members (other than representative members) of the Council or a board shall hold office for four years and shall then retire.

(2)The members (other than representative members) of the Council shall retire in rotation in accordance with a scheme made by the Council and approved by the Privy Council, and the members and alternate members of a board (other than representative and alternate members taking office during the initial period) shall retire in rotation in accordance with a scheme made by the board and approved by the Council; and for the purpose of securing retirement by rotation any such scheme may provide that during the period of four years from the establishment of the body making the scheme (or as respects the retirement of representative and alternate members of a board, four years from the end of the initial period) some persons shall retire after less than four years in office, so however that a representative member of a board and his alternate member shall retire at the same time.

(3)Subject to paragraph 11 of this Schedule, the representative and alternate members of the Council appointed by a board shall hold office for one year and shall then retire.

(4)Subject as aforesaid, the representative member of the Council and his alternate member appointed under paragraph 3 of this Schedule by Ministers instead of by a board shall hold office until the end of the period which is the initial period for the purposes of that paragraph as respects that board and shall then retire.

(5)Subject as aforesaid, the representative and alternate members of a board taking office during the initial period shall hold office until the end of that period and shall then retire.

11(1)A member or alternate member of the Council or a board may at any time, by notice to the registrar appointed under this Act, resign his office.

(2)A member or alternate member of the Council or a board whose name is removed by direction of a disciplinary committee from any register maintained under this Act shall relinquish his office.

(3)A representative or alternate member of the Council appointed by a board who ceases to be a representative member of that board shall relinquish his office on the Council.

(4)When a member or alternate member of the Council or a board ceases to hold office otherwise than by retirement, his place shall be taken—

(a)in the case of a representative member of a board, by his alternate member if then in office and if not by a person appointed or elected in the same manner and satisfying the same requirements of Part II of this Schedule as the representative member ;

(b)in any other case, by a person appointed or elected in the same manner and satisfying the same requirements of Part I or Part II of this Schedule as the member or alternate member in question:

Provided that a scheme under sub-paragraph (2) of paragraph 8 of this Schedule may provide for the selection, otherwise than by election, of—

(i)a person to succeed an alternate member of a board who has taken the place of his representative member under paragraph (a) above ;

(ii)persons to succeed a representative member of a board and his alternate member where the representative member ceases to hold office otherwise than by retirement and there is no alternate member to take his place under the said paragraph (a);

and the requirement that an alternate member shall be selected on the same occasion as his representative member shall not apply where an alternate member is selected in pursuance of this sub-paragraph or continues as the alternate member for the successor under this sub-paragraph of a previous representative member of the Council.

(5)A person taking office by virtue of sub-paragraph (4) above shall retire when the person whose place he takes would normally have retired.

12(1)One of the members of the Council appointed by the Privy Council shall be designated by the Privy Council as the chairman of the Council, and a board shall appoint one of its members to be the chairman of the board.

(2)The chairman of the Council or a board shall hold office as such until the expiration of the period determined by the body designating or appointing him as chairman or until he ceases to be a member of the Council or board, whichever first occurs, and shall then retire from that office.

(3)The Chairman, or in his absence the person acting as chairman, of the Council or a board shall have a second or casting vote.

13An alternate member of the Council or a board may act as a member of the Council or board at any meeting of that body when the representative member for whom he is alternate is absent, but not otherwise.

14A person retiring from or resigning office as the chairman or a member or alternate member of the Council or a board shall be eligible to hold that office again.

15The powers of the Council or a board or any committee thereof may be exercised notwithstanding any vacancy in its membership, and no proceedings of such a body shall be invalidated by any defect in the selection of a person to be a member of that body.


16(1)The Council or a board with the approval of the Council may appoint one or more committees to carry out, on behalf of the Council or board, such of the functions of the Council or board as that body may determine and as are not required in the case of a board to be carried out by an investigating or disciplinary committee.

(2)A committee appointed under this paragraph shall consist of the number of members determined by the body appointing it, and not more than one third of the members may be persons who are not members of that body; and a member of such a committee shall hold office in accordance with the terms of the instrument under which he is appointed.

Standing Orders

17The Council or a board may make standing orders for regulating the proceedings (including quorum) of the Council or board or any committee thereof, so however that orders under this paragraph shall not be made with respect to the proceedings of a disciplinary committee.

Expenses and accounts

18(1)Any fees payable under this Act in respect of the entry or retention of a name on a register shall be paid to the Council, and any expenses of the Council shall be defrayed out of the sums received by the Council either on account of those fees or otherwise.

(2)The Council shall furnish each board with such sums as the board may require for defraying—

(a)any remuneration or allowances which the board is authorised by this Act to pay ; and

(b)any costs which the board is directed to pay on an appeal under section nine of this Act; and

(c)any other expenses incurred by the board with the approval of the Council,

and each board shall furnish the Council with such evidence as the Council may reasonably require of all payments made by the board out of sums furnished by the Council.

(3)The Council shall keep proper accounts of all sums received or paid by it, and proper records in relation to those accounts (including records of the evidence furnished as aforesaid), and its accounts for each financial year of the Council shall be audited by auditors appointed by the Council; and as soon as any accounts of the Council have been audited, the Council shall cause them to be published and shall send a copy of them to the Privy Council together with a copy of any report of the auditors thereon.

(4)No person shall be qualified to be appointed auditor under this paragraph unless he is a member of one or more of the following bodies :—

  • the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales ;

  • the Society of Incorporated Accountants ;

  • the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland ;

  • the Association of Certified and Corporate Accountants ;

  • the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland ;

  • any other body of accountants established in the United Kingdom and for the time being recognised for the purposes of paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section one hundred and sixty-one of the Companies Act, 1948, by the Board of Trade.

19The Council or a board may pay to any of its members or alternate or additional members, or to any member of a committee appointed by it, travelling, subsistence or other allowances at such rates as may be determined by the Council with the consent of the Privy Council.

Officers and servants

20(1)The Council (but not a board) shall have power to appoint a registrar and other officers and servants on such terms as to remuneration, pensions or otherwise as the Council may determine ; and the Council shall make such arrangements as it thinks appropriate for the services of officers and servants appointed by it to be available to the boards and to any committees of the Council or a board.

(2)A board shall have power with the approval of the Council to appoint teaching and other staff, on such terms as to remuneration, pensions or otherwise as the board with the approval of the Council may determine, in connection with any course of training or examination conducted under arrangements made by the board.

(3)The Council shall not determine or approve under the foregoing sub-paragraphs any terms relating to pensions unless those terms have been agreed by the Treasury.


21It shall be the duty of a board to furnish the Council with a copy of the minutes of proceedings of the board and any committee (other than an investigating or disciplinary committee) appointed by the board and of any document considered at a meeting of the board or committee ; and it shall be the duty of the Council, at the request of a board, to make available to the board a copy of so much of any minutes of proceedings of the Council or a committee appointed by the Council and of so much of any document considered at a meeting of the Council or committee as relates to the board.

22(1)In this Schedule,—

  • " the English Colleges " means the Royal College of Physicians of London, the Royal College of Surgeons of England and the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists ;

  • " the initial period ", in relation to a board, means the period expiring six months (or for the purposes of paragraph 3 of this Schedule, eight months) after such date as the Council may by order determine to be that on which the board's register is established ;

  • " representative member " has the meaning assigned to it, in relation to the Council, by paragraph (c) of sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 1 of this Schedule, and in relation to a board, by paragraph (a) of sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 4 of this Schedule ;

  • " the Scottish Corporations " means the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and the Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow.

(2)Any power to make a scheme conferred by a provision of this Schedule shall include power to vary or revoke the scheme by a subsequent scheme under that provision.