  1. Introductory Text

  2. PART I The central authorities

    1. 1.The Charity Commissioners

    2. 2.The Minister of Education

    3. 3.The official custodian for charities

  3. PART II Provisions for inquiring into, making known and co-ordinating charitable activities

    1. Registration of charities

      1. 4.Register of charities

      2. 5.Effect of, and claims and objections to, registration

    2. Powers of Commissioners and Minister to obtain information, etc.

      1. 6.General power to institute inquiries

      2. 7.Power to call for documents, and search records

      3. 8.Receipt and audit of accounts of charities

      4. 9.Exchange of information, etc.

    3. Powers of local authorities and of charity trustees

      1. 10.Local authority's index of local charities

      2. 11.Reviews of local charities by local authority

      3. 12.Co-operation between charities, and between charities and local authorities

  4. PART III Application of property cy-près, and assistance and supervision of charities by court and central authorities

    1. Extended powers of court, and variation of charters

      1. 13.Occasions for applying property cy-près

      2. 14.Application cy-près of gifts of donors unknown or disclaiming

      3. 15.Charities governed by charter, or by or under statute

    2. Property vested in official custodian

      1. 16.Entrusting charity property to official custodian, and determination of trust

      2. 17.Supplementary provisions as to property vested in official custodian

    3. Powers of Commissioners and Minister to make schemes, etc.

      1. 18.Concurrent jurisdiction with High Court for certain purposes

      2. 19.Further powers to make schemes or alter application of charitable property

      3. 20.Power to act for protection of charities

      4. 21.Publicity for proceedings under ss. 18 to 20

    4. Establishment of common investment funds

      1. 22.Schemes to establish common investment funds

    5. Miscellaneous powers of Commissioners and Minister

      1. 23.Power to authorise dealings with charity property, etc.

      2. 24.Power to advise charity trustees

      3. 25.Powers for preservation of charity documents

      4. 26.Power to order taxation of solicitor's bill

      5. 27.Powers for recovery or redemption of charity rentcharges

    6. Miscellaneous

      1. 28.Taking of legal proceedings

      2. 29.Restrictions on dealing with charity property

      3. 30.Charitable companies

      4. 31.Protection of expression " common good

  5. PART IV Miscellaneous provisions as to charities and their affairs

    1. 32.General obligation to keep accounts

    2. 33.Manner of giving notice of charity meetings, etc.

    3. 34.Manner of executing instruments

    4. 35.Transfer and evidence of title to property vested in trustees

    5. 36.Miscellaneous provisions as to evidence

    6. 37.Parochial charities

    7. 38.Repeal of law of mortmain

    8. 39.Repeal of obsolete enactments

  6. PART V Supplementary

    1. 40.Miscellaneous provisions as to orders of Commissioners or Minister

    2. 41.Enforcement of orders of Commissioners or Minister

    3. 42.Appeals from Commissioners or Minister

    4. 43.Regulations

    5. 44.Expenses

    6. 45.Construction of references to a " charity " or to particular classes of charity

    7. 46.Other definitions

    8. 47.Powers of Parliament of Northern Ireland

    9. 48.Consequential amendments, general repeal and transitional provisions

    10. 49.Short title, extent and commencement



      Constitution, etc., of Charity Commissioners

      1. 1.(1) There shall be a Chief Charity Commissioner, and two...

      2. 2.(1) The chief commissioner may, with the approval of the...

      3. 3.(1) The Commissioners may use an official seal for the...

      4. 4.Legal proceedings may be instituted by or against the Commissioners...


      Exempt Charities


      Enlargement of Areas of Local Charities


      Court's Jurisdiction over Certain Charities Governed by or under statute

      1. 1.The court may by virtue of subsection (3) of section...

      2. 2.Notwithstanding anything in section nineteen of the Commons Act, 1876,...


      Enactments Repealed as Obsolete


      Consequential Amendments


      Enactments Repealed as Superseded

      1. PART I Principal Repeals

      2. PART II Mortmain Repeals