Finance Act 1960

58Interest on tax recovered to make good loss due to taxpayer's fault

(1)Where an assessment is made for the purpose of making good to the Crown a loss of tax wholly or partly attributable to the fraud, wilful default or neglect of any person, the tax charged by the assessment or, as the case may be, such part thereof as corresponds to the part so attributable, shall carry interest at the rate of three per cent. per annum from the date on which the tax ought to have been paid until payment.

(2)For the purposes of this section, the date when tax charged for any year of assessment ought to have been paid shall be taken to be the first day of January in that year, except that in the case of one-half of any tax specified in subsection (2) of section seventy-two of the Income Tax Act, 1952, it shall be taken to be the following first day of July, and in the case of surtax it shall be taken to be the following first day of January.

(3)Tax carrying interest under this section shall not carry interest under section four hundred and ninety-five of the Income Tax Act, 1952.

(4)Subsection (4) of the said section four hundred and ninety-five and section four hundred and ninety-six of the Income Tax Act, 1952 (which provide for the recovery, and for the adjustment, in certain cases, of interest payable under the said section four hundred and ninety-five) shall apply in relation to interest payable under this section as they apply in relation to interest payable under that section.

(5)A certificate by the General or Special Commissioners that the tax or a specified part of the tax charged by an assessment specified in the certificate carries interest under this section from a date so specified shall be sufficient evidence of that fact in proceedings for the recovery of that interest.

(6)A certificate under subsection (5) of this section shall not be given except on the application of the surveyor or a person nominated for that purpose by the Commissioners of Inland Revenue, and on any such application the person charged by the assessment (or, if he has died, his personal representatives) shall be entitled to appear and be heard.

(7)The Commissioners of Inland Revenue may at their discretion mitigate (whether before or after judgment) any interest due under this section and may stay or compound any proceedings for the recovery thereof.