
4Manoeuvres commissions

(1)Whenever a manoeuvres Order is made, a commission (in this Act referred to as a " manoeuvres commission ") shall be formed consisting, subject to the next following subsection, of—

(a)a chairman appointed by the Lord Chancellor ;

(b)four members appointed by the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food as follows, namely—

(i)one from amongst persons appearing to that Minister to have had wide experience of, and shown capacity in, matters relating to agriculture ;

(ii)one from amongst persons appearing to that Minister to have had wide experience of, and shown capacity in, matters relating to forestry;

(iii)one on the nomination of such organisation as may appear to that Minister to represent the interests of farmers ; and

(iv)one on the nomination of such organisation as may appear to that Minister to represent the interests of owners of agricultural land;

(c)three members appointed by the Minister of Housing and Local Government after consultation with such organisations of local authorities as that Minister considers appropriate and including at least one person appearing to that Minister to be specially qualified to watch over the amenities of the manoeuvres area ;

(d)one member appointed by the Minister of Housing and Local Government on the nomination of the National Parks Commission; and

(e)three members appointed by the Secretary of State for War.

(2)Where the whole of the manoeuvres area is in Scotland, the provisions of the foregoing subsection shall apply with the following modifications, that is to say—

(a)in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of that subsection, for any reference to any Minister therein mentioned, there shall be substituted a reference to the Secretary of State for Scotland; and

(b)paragraph (d) of that subsection shall be omitted.

(3)Where part but not the whole of the manoeuvres area is in Scotland, two separate commissions shall be formed, of which—

(a)one shall be formed in accordance with subsection (1) of this section for so much of the area as is not in Scotland; and

(b)the other shall be formed in accordance with that subsection modified in the manner provided by paragraphs (a) and (b) of the last foregoing subsection for so much of the area as is in Scotland ;

and where two commissions are formed in accordance with this subsection, the functions of a manoeuvres commission shall be exercisable by each of them in relation to their respective parts of the area:

Provided that each commission shall consult the other in matters appearing to them to be of common concern to them both.

(4)A manoeuvres commission may act by three of the members thereof, and notwithstanding any vacancy in the membership thereof.

(5)Any question arising at any meeting of a manoeuvres commission shall be decided by the majority of those voting on the question, and if the votes are equal the chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote.

(6)The Secretary of State may make to all or any of the chairman and the other members of any manoeuvres commission such payments by way of remuneration or allowances as the Treasury may approve, and any expenses incurred by a manoeuvres commission in the exercise of their functions shall be paid by the Secretary of State.