Land Drainage' (Scotland) Act 1958

9Before making an order varying or revoking an improvement order the Secretary of State shall prepare a draft order and shall—

(a)serve on—

(i)every owner and every occupier of land situated in the improvement area to which the improvement order relates, and

(ii)every owner and every occupier of land (other than land so situated) on which the execution of drainage or protective works is authorised or required by the improvement order, and

(iii)any local authority or other statutory body which in the opinion of the Secretary of State may be affected by the making of the order varying or revoking the improvement order, and

(iv)every other person who in the opinion of the Secretary of State may be affected by the order varying or revoking the improvement order,

a copy of the draft order together with a notice stating that such owner, occupier, authority, body or other person may, within twenty-eight days of the service of the notice, object in such manner as may be specified in the notice to the making of the order or to any provision contained therein ; and

(b)in two successive weeks publish in one or more newspapers circulating in the locality in which the said improvement area is situated a notice stating the general effect of the draft order, naming a place within the locality where a copy of the draft order and of any maps, plans or specifications referred to therein may be inspected at all reasonable hours, and stating that any person may, within twenty-eight days of the first publication of such notice, object in such manner as may be specified in the notice to the making of the order or to any provision contained therein.