  1. Introductory Text

  2. Reorganisation

    1. 1.Dissolution of Central Electricity Authority

    2. 2.Establishment, constitution and functions of Central Electricity Generating Board

    3. 3.Establishment, constitution and functions of Electricity Council

    4. 4.Whole-time members of Generating Board, Electricity Council and Area Boards

    5. 5.Consultative Councils

  3. Generation of electricity by Area Boards, and provision for research

    1. 6.Generation of electricity by Area Boards

    2. 7.Research

  4. Provisions as to administration, and as to conditions of employment

    1. 8.Powers of Minister in relation to Electricity Council and Electricity Boards

    2. 9.Representations by Electricity Boards to Electricity Council

    3. 10.Annual reports

    4. 11.Consolidated statements of accounts

    5. 12.Machinery for settling terms and conditions of employment

  5. Finances of Electricity Boards and Electricity Council

    1. 13.General duty of Boards to balance revenue account

    2. 14.Tariffs and special agreements

    3. 15.Borrowing powers of Electricity Council, Generating Board and Area Boards

    4. 16.Issue of stock

    5. 17.Treasury guarantees

    6. 18.Estimates of Boards' requirements and allocations to them of liabilities in respect of stock

    7. 19.Central guarantee fund

    8. 20.Reserve funds

    9. 21.Contributions by Electricity Boards to expenses of Electricity Council

    10. 22.Application of surplus revenues of Electricity Boards

    11. 23.Compensation to local authorities

    12. 24.Provisions as to income tax and profits tax

  6. Transfer of undertaking of Central Authority to Electricity Council and Generating Board

    1. 25.Transfer of assets and liabilities of Central Authority

    2. 26.Supplementary provisions as to transfer of assets and liabilities

    3. 27.Compensation to members and officers of Central Authority and Area Boards

  7. Miscellaneous and supplementary provisions

    1. 28.Supply of electricity to railways

    2. 29.Maximum charges for reselling electricity supplied by Electricity Boards

    3. 30.Certification of meters

    4. 31.Placing of service lines above ground

    5. 32.Further provisions as to placing of electric lines

    6. 33.Provisions as to construction or extension of generating stations

    7. 34.Special provisions as to public inquiries

    8. 35.Entry on land for purposes of exploration

    9. 36.Expedition of highway procedure in connection with electricity works

    10. 37.Preservation of amenity

    11. 38.Status of Electricity Council, Generating Board and Area Boards

    12. 39.Administrative expenses

    13. 40.Interpretation

    14. 41.Transitional provisions

    15. 42.Amendment and adaptation of enactments, and repeals

    16. 43.Short title, citation, commencement and extent



      Consultative Councils

      1. PART I

        1. Consultative Councils in England and Wales—Amendments of Section 7 of Electricity Act, 1947

          1. 1.The following provisions shall be substituted for subsection (2) of...

          2. 2.After paragraph (b) of subsection (4) of the said section...

          3. 3.The following provisions shall be substituted for subsections (6) to...

          4. 4.The Electricity Council shall be substituted for the Central Authority...

          5. 5.After subsection (11) of the said section seven there shall...

          6. 6.The following subsection shall be substituted for subsection (13) of...

      2. PART II

        1. Consultative Councils in Scotland—New Section 7A


      Supplementary Provisions as to Public Inquiries

      1. 1.In the case of an application for the consent or...

      2. 2.Subsection (2) of section sixty-six of the principal Act (which...

      3. 3.For the purposes of section thirty-four of this Act the...

      4. 4.Any power to make regulations under section thirty-four of this...

      5. 5.Where any regulations made under section thirty-four of this Act,...

      6. 6.In the application of this Schedule to Scotland, for any...

      7. 7.In this Schedule " local planning authority" has the same...


      Transitional Provisions

      1. Consultative Councils

        1. 1.(1) Any person holding office as a member of a...

      2. Machinery for settling employment conditions

        1. 2.(1) This paragraph applies to any agreement entered into by...

      3. Tariffs

        1. 3.(1) Any tariff fixed before the passing of this Act...

      4. Liabilities in respect of British Electricity Stock and Exchequer advances

        1. 4.(1) In respect of British Electricity Stock issued before the...

        2. 5.(1) The Electricity Council shall prepare a scheme for determining,...

        3. 6.Any scheme prepared by the Electricity Council under paragraph 4...

      5. Central reserve fund

        1. 7.(1) The central reserve fund shall be wound up as...

      6. Transfer of undertaking of Central Authority

        1. 8.(1) Any legal proceedings or applications to any authority pending...

        2. 9.(1) The Minister may direct the Central Authority to produce...

        3. 10.(1) Notwithstanding the definition of " financial year " in...

      7. Pension rights

        1. 11.Notwithstanding any amendment of the principal Act having effect by...

        2. 12.Notwithstanding any amendment by this Act of subsection (6) of...

      8. Activities and expenses of Electricity Council and Generating Board before vesting date

        1. 13.(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in subsection (3) of section forty-three...

      9. Applications for consent or authorisation made before vesting date

        1. 14.The following provisions of this Act, that is to say.—...


      Amendment and Adaptation of Enactments

      1. PART I Amendments of Electricity Act, 1947

      2. PART II Amendments and Adaptations of other Enactments

        1. General amendments and adaptations

        2. The Electric Lighting Act, 1882

        3. The Electric Lighting (Clauses) Act, 1899

        4. The Electric Lighting Act, 1909

        5. The Electricity (Supply) Act, 1919

        6. The Hydro-Electric Development (Scotland) Act, 1943

        7. The Local Government Act, 1948

        8. The Gas and Electricity (Borrowing Powers) Act, 1954

        9. The Electricity Reorganisation (Scotland) Act, 1954

        10. The Finance Act, 1956

        11. The Rating and Valuation Act, 1957

        12. The House of Commons Disqualification Act, 1957


      Enactments Repealed

      1. PART I Repeals Extending to England and Wales and Scotland

      2. PART II Repeals Extending to England and Wales only