Transport Act 1962

PART IIIConsultative Committees

Areas and members of existing Consultative Committees

8The areas for which under section six of the Transport Act, 1947, there were Transport Users Consultative Committees immediately before the date on which section fifty-six of .this Act (hereafter in this Part of this Schedule referred to as the principal section) comes into force shall, until the Minister otherwise directs, be the areas for which Area Committees are to be established under the principal section, and the persons who were immediately before that date chairmen and members of a Transport Users Consultative Committee for any such area shall, unless—

(a)they were appointed under paragraph (c) of subsection (4) of the said section six (which relates to persons nominated by the Commission), or

(b)the Minister otherwise directs,

constitute the Area Committee for that area under the principal section until the expiration of their appointments.

Pending representations and recommendations about railway passenger closures

9If immediately before the date on which the principal section comes into forces—

(a)there is before the Central Transport Consultative Committee established under the said section six a representation with respect to any proposal by the Commission to discontinue all railway passenger services from any station or on any line (hereinafter referred to as a closure), or a recommendation from a Transport Users Consultative Committee for any area in respect of such a representation lodged with that committee ; or

(b)there is before the Transport Users Consultative Committee for any area such a representation as aforesaid,

the Central Committee established under this Act, or the Area Committee for the corresponding area, as the case may be, shall forthwith inform the Minister and the Commission or the Board concerned, and the closure shall not be proceeded with until the committee has reported to the Minister and the Minister has given his consent; and the provisions of subsections (9) to (11) and (13) of the principal section shah apply as if the committee were an Area Committee with whom an objection to the closure in question had been lodged under that section and as if the consent of the Minister to the closure were required under that section.

Other pending matters

10(1)If immediately before the date on which the principal section comes into force there is before the Central Transport Consultative Committee any matter, other than a matter to which the last foregoing paragraph applies, being a matter within the competence of the Central Committee, the Central Committee may deal with that matter as if it had come before the Committee under the principal section.

(2)If immediately before the date on which the principal section comes into force there is before the Transport Users Consultative Committee for any area, any matter, other than a matter to which the last foregoing paragraph applies, being a matter within the competence of the Area Committee for the corresponding area, that Committee may deal with that matter as if it had come before the committee under the principal section.


11(1)If when the principal section comes into force there is before the Minister a recommendation of the Central Transport Consultative Committee or the Transport Users Consultative Committee for Scotland or for Wales and Monmouthshire—

(a)with respect to any proposed closure, or

(b)with respect to any other matter,

the Minister may in connection with the closure, or with respect to the other matter dealt with in the recommendation, as the case may be, from time to time give to the Commission or to any Board such directions as he thinks fit.

(2)The principal section shall not apply to a closure in connection with which directions can be given under the foregoing sub-paragraph.

(3)If When the principal section comes into force the Commission are providing, or assisting in the provision of, alternative services in connection with a closure which has taken place before that date, the Minister may from time to time give to the Commission or the Board concerned such directions with respect to those services, or any other services in substitution for, or in addition to, those services, as he thinks fit.

(4)The Minister may refer to an Area Committee any matter relating to alternative services provided 'by or with the assistance of the Commission or a Board—

(a)in pursuance of a direction under this paragraph, or

(b)otherwise than in pursuance of such a direction, if a direction with respect to those services could have been given under this paragraph, or

(c)in connection with a closure which has taken place before the principal section comes into force,

and the Committee shall consider and report to the Minister on that matter.