Public Health Acts Amendment Act 1907

PART VCommon Lodging-Houses

69Discretion as to registration, of lodging-house keeper

(1)[38 & 39 Vict. c. 55.] The local authority may, at their discretion, refuse to register any person as a common lodging-house keeper, unless they are satisfied of his character and of his fitness for the position.

(2)The registration of a person as a common lodging-house keeper shall, if that person is newly registered after the commencement of this section, remain in force only for such time not exceeding one year as may be fixed by the local authority, but may be renewed from time to time by the local authority.

70Obligation on common lodging-house keeper to provide for proper control of his house

(1)Either the keeper of a common lodging-house or a deputy registered under this Act shall manage and control the lodging-house and exercise supervision over those using it, and either the keeper or the deputy so registered shall he and remain at the lodging-house between the hours of nine in the evening and six in the morning of the following day.

(2)If any provision of this section is not complied with in the case of any common lodging-house, the keeper of the house shall, unless he shows to the court that there was a reasonable excuse for the non-compliance, be liable in respect of each offence to a penalty not exceeding forty shillings, and to a daily penalty not exceeding twenty shillings.

71Deputy lodging-house keepers

(1)The local authority shall keep a register for the purposes of this section, and shall enter therein the name of any person whose name is submitted to them by a common lodging-house keeper as his deputy, and who is approved by them for the purpose.

(2)The local authority may register more than one deputy for any common lodging-house keeper.

(3)The local authority, if at any time they are of opinion that, any person registered as a deputy of a common lodging-house keeper is not a fit person for the purpose, may cancel the registration.

72Power of court convicting common lodging-house keeper to cancel registration

Where the keeper of a common lodging-house is convicted of any offence against any provision of the Public Health Acts or this Act relating to common lodging-houses, or of any byelaw made thereunder, the court before whom he is convicted may cancel his registration as a common lodging-house keeper, and he shall cease to be registered accordingly.

73Unregistered lodging-house keepers liable to penalties under section 86 of 38 & 39 Vict. c.55

If a person keeps a common lodging-house he shall, although he is not registered as a common lodging-house keeper under section seventy-seven of the Public Health Act, 1875, be liable to the penalties imposed under section eighty-six of that. Act for the offences named therein.

74Provision of proper sanitary conveniences in a common lodging-house

(1)Every common lodging-house, whether registered, before or after the commencement of this section, shall be provided—

(a)With sufficient and suitable sanitary conveniences, having regard to the number of persons who may be received in that house, and also, where persons of both sexes are received in the common lodging-house, with proper separate accommodation for persons of each sex ; and

(b)With a water supply laid on sufficient for flushing any water-closets or urinals which are used in the house.

(2)If it appears to the local authority that, in the case of any common lodging-house, default is made in any respect in complying with the provisions of this section, the local authority may, by notice in writing specifying the default, require the keeper of the common lodging-house to remedy the default.

(3)If within twenty-eight days of the notice being served the default is not remedied to the satisfaction of the local authority, they may themselves do the work required to be done, and may recover in a summary manner from the keeper of the common lodging-house the expenses incurred by them in so doing, or may by order declare these expenses to be private improvement expenses.

75Notice of commencement of Part V and repeal

(1)At a time not less than one month before the commencement of this Part of this Act the local authority shall give notice of the fact to the keeper of every common lodging-house in their district:

(2)On and after the commencement of this Part of this Act section seventy-eight from the words " and the local authority may " to the end of the section, and section eighty-eight of the Public Health Act, 1875, shall be repealed as far as relates to the district.