Patents and Designs Act 1907

  1. Introductory Text

  2. PART I Patents

    1. Application for and Grant of Patent

      1. 1.Application

      2. 2.Specifications

      3. 3.Proceedings upon application

      4. 4.Provisional protection

      5. 5.Time for leaving complete specification

      6. 6.Comparison of provisional and complete specification

      7. 7.Investigation of previous specifications in United Kingdom on applications for patents

      8. 8.Investigation of specifications published subsequently to application

      9. 9.Advertisement on acceptance of complete specification

      10. 10.Effect of acceptance of complete specification

      11. 11.Opposition to grant of patent

      12. 12.Grant and sealing of patent

      13. 13.Date of patent

      14. 14.Effect, extent, and form of patent

      15. 15.Fraudulent applications for patents

      16. 16.Single patent for cognate inventions

    2. Term of Patent

      1. 17.Term of patent

      2. 18.Extension of term of patent

      3. 19.Patents of addition

    3. Restoration of lapsed Patents

      1. 20.Restoration of lapsed patents

    4. Amendment of Specification

      1. 21.Amendment of specification by comptroller

      2. 22.Amendment of specification by the court

      3. 23.Restriction on recovery of damages

    5. Compulsory Licences and Revocation

      1. 24.Compulsory licences and revocation

      2. 25.Revocation of patent

      3. 26.Power of comptroller to revoke patents on certain grounds

      4. 27.Revocation of patents worked outside the United Kingdom

    6. Register of Patents

      1. 28.Register of patents

    7. Crown

      1. 29.Patent to bind Crown

      2. 30.Assignment to Secretary for War or the Admiralty of certain inventions

    8. Legal Proceedings

      1. 31.Hearing with assessor

      2. 32.Power to counterclaim for revocation in an action for infringement

      3. 33.Exemption of innocent infringer from liability for damages

      4. 34.Order for inspection, &c, in action

      5. 35.Certificate of validity questioned and costs thereon

      6. 36.Remedy in case of groundless threats of legal proceedings

    9. Miscellaneous

      1. 37.Grant of patents to two or more persons

      2. 38.Avoidance of certain conditions attached to the sale, &c, of patented articles

      3. 39.Costs and security for costs

      4. 40.Procedure on appeal to law officer

      5. 41.Provision as to anticipation

      6. 42.Disconformity

      7. 43.Patent on application of representative of deceased inventor

      8. 44.Loss or destruction of patent

      9. 45.Provisions as to exhibitions

      10. 46.Publication of illustrated journal, indexes, &c

      11. 47.Patent Museum

      12. 48.Foreign vessels in British waters

  3. PART II Designs

    1. Registration of Designs

      1. 49.Application for registration of designs

      2. 50.Registration of designs in new classes

      3. 51.Certificate of registration

      4. 52.Register of designs

    2. Copyright in registered Designs

      1. 53.Copyright on registration

      2. 54.Requirements before delivery on sale

      3. 55.Effect of disclosure on copyright

      4. 56.Inspection of registered designs

      5. 57.Information as to existence of copyright

      6. 58.Cancellation of registration of designs used wholly or mainly abroad

    3. Industrial and International Exhibitions

      1. 59.Provisions as to exhibitions

    4. Legal Proceedings

      1. 60.Piracy of registered design

      2. 61.Application of certain provisions of the Act as to patents to designs

  4. PART III General

    1. Patent Office and Proceedings thereat

      1. 62.Patent Office

      2. 63.Officers and clerks

      3. 64.Seal of Patent Office

    2. Fees

      1. 65.Fees

    3. Provisions as to Registers' and other Documents in Patent Office

      1. 66.Trust not to be entered in registers

      2. 67.Inspection of and extracts from registers

      3. 68.Privilege of reports of examiners

      4. 69.Prohibition of publication of specification, drawings, &c where application abandoned, &c

      5. 70.Power for comptroller to correct clerical errors

      6. 71.Entry of assignments and transmissions in registers

      7. 72.Rectification of registers by court

    4. Powers and Duties of Comptroller

      1. 73.Exercise of discretionary power by comptroller

      2. 74.Power of comptroller to take directions of law officers

      3. 75.Refusal to grant patent, &c. in certain cases

      4. 76.Annual reports of comptroller

    5. Evidence, &c

      1. 77.Evidence before comptroller

      2. 78.Certificate of comptroller to be evidence

      3. 79.Evidence of documents in Patent Office

      4. 80.Transmission of certified printed copies of specifications, &c

      5. 81.Applications and notices by post

      6. 82.Excluded days

      7. 83.Declaration by infant, lunatic, &c

    6. Register of Patent Agents

      1. 84.Register of patent agents

      2. 85.Agents for patents

    7. Powers, &c., of Board of Trade

      1. 86.Power for Board of Trade to make general rules

      2. 87.Proceedings of the Board of Trade

      3. 88.Provision as to Order in Council

    8. Offences

      1. 89.Offences

      2. 90.Unauthorised assumption of Royal Arms

    9. International and Colonial Arrangements

      1. 91.International and Colonial arrangements

    10. Definitions

      1. 92.Provisions as to "the court"

      2. 93.Definitions

    11. Application to Scotland, Ireland, and the Isle of Man

      1. 94.Application to Scotland

      2. 95.Application to Ireland

      3. 96.Isle of Man

    12. Repeal, Savings, and Short Title

      1. 97.Saving for prerogative

      2. 98.Repeal and savings

      3. 99.Short title and commencement



      Fees on Instruments for obtaining Patents and Renewal


      Enactments Repealed

      1. PART I

      2. PART II

      3. PART III