
5Power to extend provisions as to notice of accidents to dangerous occurrences

(1)If the Secretary of State considers that, by reason of the risk of serious injury to persons employed, it is expedient that notice should be given under this Act in every case of any special class of explosion, fire, collapse of buildings, accidents to machinery or plant, or other occurrences in a mine or quarry, or in a factory or workshop, including any place which for the purpose of the provisions of the Factory and Workshop Act, 1901, with' respect to accidents is a factory or workshop, or is included in the word "factory" or " workshop," or is part of a factory or workshop, the Secretary of State may by order extend the provisions of this Act requiring notice of accidents to be given to an inspector to any such class of occurrences, whether personal injury or disablement is caused or not, and, where any such order is made, the provisions of this Act shall have effect as extended by the order.

(2)The Secretary of State may by any such order allow the required notice of any occurrence to which the order relates, instead of being sent forthwith, to be sent within the time limited by the order.