Marine Insurance Act 1906

  1. Introductory TextNext Match

  2. Marine InsurancePrevious MatchNext Match

    1. 1. Marine insurance defined.Previous MatchNext Match

    2. 2. Mixed sea and land risks.Previous MatchNext Match

    3. 3. Marine adventure and maritime perils defined.Previous MatchNext Match

  3. Insurable InterestPrevious MatchNext Match

    1. 4. Avoidance of wagering or gaming contracts.Previous MatchNext Match

    2. 5. Insurable interest defined.Previous MatchNext Match

    3. 6. When interest must attach.Previous MatchNext Match

    4. 7. Defeasible or contingent interest.Previous MatchNext Match

    5. 8. Partial interest.Previous MatchNext Match

    6. 9. Re-insurance.Previous MatchNext Match

    7. 10. Bottomry.Previous MatchNext Match

    8. 11. Master’s and seamen’s wages.Previous MatchNext Match

    9. 12. Advance freight.Previous MatchNext Match

    10. 13. Charges of insurance.Previous MatchNext Match

    11. 14. Quantum of interest.Previous MatchNext Match

    12. 15. Assignment of interest.Previous MatchNext Match

  4. Insurable ValuePrevious MatchNext Match

    1. 16. Measure of insurable value.Previous MatchNext Match

  5. Disclosure and RepresentationsPrevious MatchNext Match

    1. 17. Insurance is uberrimæ fidei.Previous MatchNext Match

    2. 18. Disclosure by assured.Previous MatchNext Match

    3. 19. Disclosure by agent effecting insurance.Previous MatchNext Match

    4. 20. Representations pending negotiation of contract.Previous MatchNext Match

    5. 21. When contract is deemed to be concluded.Previous MatchNext Match

  6. The PolicyPrevious MatchNext Match

    1. 22. Contract must be embodied in policy. Previous MatchNext Match

    2. 23. What policy must specify.Previous MatchNext Match

    3. 24. Signature of insurer.Previous MatchNext Match

    4. 25. Voyage and time policies.Previous MatchNext Match

    5. 26. Designation of subject-matter.Previous MatchNext Match

    6. 27. Valued policy.Previous MatchNext Match

    7. 28. Unvalued policy.Previous MatchNext Match

    8. 29. Floating policy by ship or ships.Previous MatchNext Match

    9. 30. Construction of terms in policy.Previous MatchNext Match

    10. 31. Premium to be arranged.Previous MatchNext Match

  7. Double InsurancePrevious MatchNext Match

    1. 32. Double insurance.Previous MatchNext Match

  8. Warranties, &c.Previous MatchNext Match

    1. 33. Nature of warranty.Previous MatchNext Match

    2. 34. When breach of warranty excused.Previous MatchNext Match

    3. 35. Express warranties.Previous MatchNext Match

    4. 36. Warranty of neutrality.Previous MatchNext Match

    5. 37. No implied warranty of nationality.Previous MatchNext Match

    6. 38. Warranty of good safety.Previous MatchNext Match

    7. 39. Warranty of seaworthiness of ship.Previous MatchNext Match

    8. 40. No implied warranty that goods are seaworthy.Previous MatchNext Match

    9. 41. Warranty of legality.Previous MatchNext Match

  9. The VoyagePrevious MatchNext Match

    1. 42. Implied condition as to commencement of risk.Previous MatchNext Match

    2. 43. Alteration of port of departure.Previous MatchNext Match

    3. 44. Sailing for different destination.Previous MatchNext Match

    4. 45. Change of voyage.Previous MatchNext Match

    5. 46. Deviation.Previous MatchNext Match

    6. 47. Several ports of discharge.Previous MatchNext Match

    7. 48. Delay in voyage.Previous MatchNext Match

    8. 49. Excuses for deviation or delay.Previous MatchNext Match

  10. Assignment of PolicyPrevious MatchNext Match

    1. 50. When and how policy is assignable.Previous MatchNext Match

    2. 51. Assured who has no interest cannot assign.Previous MatchNext Match

  11. The PremiumPrevious MatchNext Match

    1. 52. When premium payable.Previous MatchNext Match

    2. 53. Policy effected through broker.Previous MatchNext Match

    3. 54. Effect of receipt on policy.Previous MatchNext Match

  12. Loss and AbandonmentPrevious MatchNext Match

    1. 55. Included and excluded losses.Previous MatchNext Match

    2. 56. Partial and total loss.Previous MatchNext Match

    3. 57. Actual total loss.Previous MatchNext Match

    4. 58. Missing ship.Previous MatchNext Match

    5. 59. Effect of transhipment, &c.Previous MatchNext Match

    6. 60. Constructive total loss defined.Previous MatchNext Match

    7. 61. Effect of constructive total loss.Previous MatchNext Match

    8. 62. Notice of abandonment.Previous MatchNext Match

    9. 63. Effect of abandonment.Previous MatchNext Match

  13. Partial Losses (including Salvage and General Average and Particular Charges)Previous MatchNext Match

    1. 64. Particular average loss.Previous MatchNext Match

    2. 65. Salvage charges.Previous MatchNext Match

    3. 66. General average loss.Previous MatchNext Match

  14. Measure of IndemnityPrevious MatchNext Match

    1. 67. Extent of liability of insurer for loss.Previous MatchNext Match

    2. 68. Total loss.Previous MatchNext Match

    3. 69. Partial loss of ship.Previous MatchNext Match

    4. 70. Partial loss of freight.Previous MatchNext Match

    5. 71. Partial loss of goods, merchandise, &c.Previous MatchNext Match

    6. 72. Apportionment of valuation.Previous MatchNext Match

    7. 73. General average contributions and salvage charges.Previous MatchNext Match

    8. 74. Liabilities to third parties.Previous MatchNext Match

    9. 75. General provisions as to measure of indemnity.Previous MatchNext Match

    10. 76. Particular average warranties.Previous MatchNext Match

    11. 77. Successive losses.Previous MatchNext Match

    12. 78. Suing and labouring clause.Previous MatchNext Match

  15. Rights of Insurer on PaymentPrevious MatchNext Match

    1. 79. Right of subrogation.Previous MatchNext Match

    2. 80. Right of contribution.Previous MatchNext Match

    3. 81. Effect of under insurance.Previous MatchNext Match

  16. Return of PremiumPrevious MatchNext Match

    1. 82. Enforcement of return.Previous MatchNext Match

    2. 83. Return by agreement.Previous MatchNext Match

    3. 84. Return for failure of consideration.Previous MatchNext Match

  17. Mutual InsurancePrevious MatchNext Match

    1. 85. Modification of Act in case of mutual insurance.Previous MatchNext Match

  18. SupplementalPrevious MatchNext Match

    1. 86. Ratification by assured.Previous MatchNext Match

    2. 87. Implied obligations varied by agreement or usage.Previous MatchNext Match

    3. 88. Reasonable time, &c. a question of fact.Previous MatchNext Match

    4. 89. Slip as evidence.Previous MatchNext Match

    5. 90. Interpretation of terms.Previous MatchNext Match

    6. 91. Savings.Previous MatchNext Match

    7. 92, 93.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Previous MatchNext Match

    8. 94. Short title.Previous MatchNext Match


    1. FIRST SCHEDULEPrevious MatchNext Match

      Form of PolicyPrevious MatchNext Match

      1. Lloyd’s S.G. policy

      2. Upon any kind of goods and merchandises, and also upon...

      3. upon the said ship, &c.

      4. and so shall continue and endure, during her abode there,...

      5. upon the said ship, &c., until she hath moored at...

      6. without prejudice to this insurance. The said ship, &c., goods...

      7. Touching the adventures and perils which we the assurers are...

      8. In Witness whereof we, the assurers, have subscribed our names...

      9. N.B.—Corn, fish, salt, fruit, flour, and seed are warranted free...

      10. Rules for Construction of Policy Previous MatchNext Match

        1. The following are the rules referred to by this Act...

        2. 1. Lost or not lost.Previous MatchNext Match

        3. 2. From.Previous MatchNext Match

        4. 3. At and from.Previous MatchNext Match

        5. 4. From the loading thereof.Previous MatchNext Match

        6. 5. Safely landed.Previous MatchNext Match

        7. 6. Touch and stay.Previous MatchNext Match

        8. 7. Perils of the seas.Previous MatchNext Match

        9. 8. Pirates. Previous MatchNext Match

        10. 9. Thieves.Previous MatchNext Match

        11. 10. Restraint of princes. Previous MatchNext Match

        12. 11. Barratry.Previous MatchNext Match

        13. 12. All other perils.Previous MatchNext Match

        14. 13. Average unless general.Previous MatchNext Match

        15. 14. Stranded.Previous MatchNext Match

        16. 15. Ship.Previous MatchNext Match

        17. 16. Freight.Previous MatchNext Match

        18. 17. Goods.Previous MatchNext Match

    2. SECOND SCHEDULEPrevious MatchNext Match

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