Revenue Act 1903

10Income tax allowance on friendly societies insurance premiums.

(1)The proviso to section one of the [18 & 19 Vict. c. 35.] Income Tax (Insurance) Act, 1855 (which limits the income tax allowances for premiums in respect of insurances with, friendly societies), shall cease to have effect, but, where the premiums payable in respect of any insurance to which that section extends are made for shorter periods than three months, the production of a certificate signed by an officer of the society to the surveyor of taxes for the district specifying the correct amount of premiums paid during the year shall be a condition of obtaining relief under that section.

(2)If any person wilfully gives or produces a false certificate under this section he shall forfeit the sum of fifty pounds, and that sum may be recovered as a penalty under section twenty-one of the [43 & 44 Vict. c. 19.] Taxes Management Act, 1880.