
PART 1Sanctions regulations

CHAPTER 2Review by appropriate Minister, and other reviews

Review of regulations

30Review by appropriate Minister of regulations under section 1

(1)Subsection (2) applies where any regulations under section 1 are in force.

(2)The appropriate Minister who made the regulations must in each relevant period review whether the regulations are still appropriate for the purpose stated in them under section 1(3).

(3)If a purpose so stated in any regulations under section 1 is a purpose other than compliance with a UN obligation or other international obligation, any review of those regulations under this section must also include a consideration of—

(a)whether carrying out that purpose would meet any one or more of the conditions in paragraphs (a) to (i) of section 1(2),

(b)whether there are good reasons to pursue that purpose, and

(c)whether the imposition of sanctions is a reasonable course of action for that purpose.

(4)In subsection (3)(c)sanctions” means prohibitions and requirements of the kinds which are imposed by the regulations for the purpose in question (or both for that purpose and for another purpose of the regulations).

(5)An appropriate Minister who has carried out a review under this section must lay before Parliament a report containing—

(a)the conclusions of the review,

(b)the reasons for those conclusions, and

(c)a statement of any action that that Minister has taken or proposes to take in consequence of the review.

(6)Nothing in subsection (5) requires the report to contain anything the disclosure of which may, in the opinion of that Minister, damage national security or international relations.

(7)For the purposes of this section each of the following is a “relevant period” in relation to regulations under section 1—

(a)the period of one year beginning with the date when the regulations are made;

(b)each period of one year that begins with the date when a report under this section containing the conclusions of a review of the regulations is laid before Parliament.

31Independent review of regulations with counter-terrorism purpose

(1)The Secretary of State must appoint a person to review the operation of such asset-freeze provisions of relevant regulations made by the Secretary of State as the Secretary of State may from time to time refer to that person.

(2)The Treasury must appoint a person to review the operation of such asset-freeze provisions of relevant regulations made by the Treasury as the Treasury may from time to time refer to that person.

(3)The persons appointed under subsections (1) and (2) may be the same person.

(4)In each calendar year, by 31 January—

(a)the person appointed under subsection (1) must notify the Secretary of State of what (if any) reviews under that subsection that person intends to carry out in that year, and

(b)the person appointed under subsection (2) must notify the Treasury of what (if any) reviews under that subsection that person intends to carry out in that year.

(5)Reviews of which notice is given under subsection (4) in a particular year—

(a)may not relate to any provisions that have not been referred before the giving of the notice, and

(b)must be completed during that year or as soon as reasonably practicable after the end of it.

(6)The person who conducts a review under this section must as soon as reasonably practicable after completing the review send a report on its outcome to—

(a)the Secretary of State, if the review is under subsection (1), or

(b)the Treasury, if the review is under subsection (2).

(7)On receiving a report under this section the Secretary of State or (as the case may be) the Treasury must lay a copy of it before Parliament.

(8)The Secretary of State may pay the expenses of a person who conducts a review under subsection (1) and also such allowances as the Secretary of State may determine.

(9)The Treasury may pay the expenses of a person who conducts a review under subsection (2) and also such allowances as the Treasury may determine.

(10)For the purposes of this section, regulations are “relevant regulations” if—

(a)they are regulations under section 1, and

(b)they state under section 1(3) at least one purpose which—

(i)is not compliance with a UN obligation or other international obligation, and

(ii)relates to counter-terrorism.

(11)A purpose “relates to counter-terrorism” if the report under section 2 in respect of the regulations indicated that, in the opinion of the appropriate Minister making them, the carrying out of that purpose would further the prevention of terrorism in the United Kingdom or elsewhere.

(12)For the purposes of this section a provision of relevant regulations is an “asset-freeze provision” if and to the extent that it—

(a)imposes a prohibition or requirement for a purpose mentioned in section 3(1)(a), (b) or (d), or

(b)makes provision in connection with such a prohibition or requirement.

(13)If a provision is referred under this section which contains a designation power, any review under this section of the operation of that provision may not include a review of any decisions to designate under that power.

32Periodic reports on exercise of power to make regulations under section 1

(1)The Secretary of State must as soon as reasonably practicable after the end of each reporting period lay before Parliament a report which—

(a)specifies the regulations under section 1, if any, that were made in that reporting period,

(b)identifies which, if any, of those regulations—

(i)stated a relevant human rights purpose, or

(ii)amended or revoked regulations stating such a purpose,

(c)specifies any recommendations which in that reporting period were made by a Parliamentary Committee in connection with a relevant independent review, and

(d)includes a copy of any response to those recommendations which was made by the government to that Committee in that reporting period.

(2)Nothing in subsection (1)(d) requires a report under this section to contain anything the disclosure of which may, in the opinion of the Secretary of State, damage national security or international relations.

(3)For the purposes of this section the following are reporting periods—

(a)the period of 12 months beginning with the day on which this Act is passed (“the first reporting period”), and

(b)each period of 12 months that ends with an anniversary of the date when the first reporting period ends.

(4)For the purposes of this section—

(a)regulations “state” a purpose if the purpose is stated under section 1(3) in the regulations;

(b)a purpose is a “relevant human rights purpose” if, in the opinion of the Secretary of State, carrying out that purpose would provide accountability for or be a deterrent to gross violations of human rights.

(5)In this section—