

SCHEDULE 4Second Protocol

Chapter 2General provisions regarding protection

Respect for cultural property

Article 6With the goal of ensuring respect for cultural property in accordance with Article 4 of the Convention:

(a)a waiver on the basis of imperative military necessity pursuant to Article 4 paragraph 2 of the Convention may only be invoked to direct an act of hostility against cultural property when and for as long as:

(i)that cultural property has, by its function, been made into a military objective; and

(ii)there is no feasible alternative available to obtain a similar military advantage to that offered by directing an act of hostility against that objective;

(b)a waiver on the basis of imperative military necessity pursuant to Article 4 paragraph 2 of the Convention may only be invoked to use cultural property for purposes which are likely to expose it to destruction or damage when and for as long as no choice is possible between such use of the cultural property and another feasible method for obtaining a similar military advantage;

(c)the decision to invoke imperative military necessity shall only be taken by an officer commanding a force the equivalent of a battalion in size or larger, or a force smaller in size where circumstances do not permit otherwise;

(d)in case of an attack based on a decision taken in accordance with sub-paragraph (a), an effective advance warning shall be given whenever circumstances permit.