

SCHEDULE 2Regulations for the execution of the Convention

Chapter I.Control

Functions of the Commissioner-General

Article 6.(1.The Commissioner-General for Cultural Property shall deal with all matters referred to him in connexion with the application of the Convention, in conjunction with the representative of the Party to which he is accredited and with the delegates concerned.

(2.He shall have powers of decision and appointment in the cases specified in the present Regulations.

(3.With the agreement of the Party to which he is accredited, he shall have the right to order an investigation or to conduct it himself.

(4.He shall make any representations to the Parties to the conflict or to their Protecting Powers which he deems useful for the application of the Convention.

(5.He shall draw up such reports as may be necessary on the application of the Convention and communicate them to the Parties concerned and to their Protecting Powers. He shall send copies to the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, who may make use only of their technical contents.

(6.If there is no Protecting Power, the Commissioner-General shall exercise the functions of the Protecting Power as laid down in Articles 21 and 22 of the Convention.