Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act 2015 Explanatory Notes

Paragraphs 10 and 11 – Arrangements for when the Adjudicator, Deputy Adjudicator or any of their staff have an interest that may conflict with their duties

269.The Adjudicator must make and publish procedural arrangements for dealing with conflicts of interest. If both the Adjudicator and, if appointed, Deputy Adjudicator are unable to act due to a conflict of interest, the Adjudicator may require the Secretary of State to appoint an acting Deputy to deal with the matter where the conflict arises. Because sections 48(5)(b) and 50(4)(b) would enable the Adjudicator to appoint someone else to act as arbitrator in a dispute where the Adjudicator may have a conflict of interest, these paragraphs are primarily intended to assist in relation to other functions of the Adjudicator, such as investigations.

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