Explanatory Notes

Finance Act 2014

2014 CHAPTER 26

17 July 2014


Section 6: Corporation Tax: Small Profits Rate and Fractions for Financial Year 2014


1.This section sets the small profits rate of corporation tax (CT) for the financial year beginning 1 April 2014 at 20% for all profits apart from “ring fence profits” of North Sea oil companies, where the rate is set at 19%. Additionally, it sets the fraction used in calculating marginal relief from the main rate at 1/400 for all profits apart from “ring fence profits”, where the fraction is set at 11/400.

Details of the Section

2.Subsection (1) sets the small profits rate of CT for the financial year beginning           1 April 2014.

3.Subsection (2) sets the marginal relief standard and ring fence fractions.

Background Note

4.Companies with profits up to £300,000 pay CT at the small profits rate.

5.Companies with profits between £300,000 and £1,500,000 (the lower and upper limits) benefit from marginal relief.

6.Marginal relief has the effect of gradually increasing the rate of tax for a company as its profits move from the lower to the upper profits limit.

7.The example below illustrates the effect of marginal relief for a company with taxable non-ring fence profits of £500,000. Its tax liability is calculated as follows:


£1,000,000 is the difference between the upper limit and the profit.

£500,000 at 21 per cent £105,000
Minus 1/400 of £1,000,000*£2,500
Tax payable£102,500

8.The example below illustrates the effect of marginal relief for a company with taxable ring fence profits of £500,000. Its tax liability is calculated as follows:


£1,000,000 is the difference between the upper limit and the profit

£500,000 at 30 per cent £150,000
Minus 11/400 of £1,000,000*£27,500
Tax payable£122,500

9.Where two or more companies are associated with one another, the profits limits are divided by the number of associated companies.