Finance Act 2014 Explanatory Notes

De-registration of pension schemes

17.Paragraph 6 amends section 158 of FA2004 to add new grounds upon which a pension scheme can be de-registered. These allow HMRC to de-register a scheme where it appears that the main purpose of the scheme is not to provide pension benefits or the scheme administrator is not a fit and proper person. HMRC may also de-register a scheme where the scheme administrator has obstructed HMRC in the course of an inspection approved by the tribunal. It also extends the existing provisions relating to the failure to provide information or the provision of inaccurate information to apply to all documents in connection with the pension scheme.

18.Paragraph 7 inserts new sections 159A to 159D into FA2004. These provide new information and inspection powers for HMRC to establish whether the scheme administrator is a fit and proper person, as well as a mechanism for appeals and penalties for failure to comply with an information notice or the production of inaccurate information or documents under new sections 159A or 159B. These sections mirror the provisions of new sections 153A to 153C and 153E relating to information notices in connection with an application to register a pension scheme.

19.Paragraph 8 provides that the amendments made by paragraphs 6 and 7, have effect in relation to all registered pension schemes on or after 20 March 2014 (the day after Budget Day), but before 1 September 2014 the provisions relating to the requirement that the scheme administrator is a fit and proper person do not apply.

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