Finance Act 2014 Explanatory Notes

Details of the Section

2.Subsection (1) provides for amendments to the Corporation Tax Act 2009 (CTA 2009).

3.Subsection (2) adds a new subsection (3)(za) to section 465 (Exclusion of distributions except in tax avoidance cases).  The new subsection adds holdings in funds which are treated as loan relationships under section 490(2) to the list of provisions under which some amounts are prevented from being distributions for corporation tax purposes.

4.Subsection (3) replaces subsection (2) of section 490 CTA 2009 with a new subsection (2). That subsection provides that where section 490 applies to a holding in an OEIC, unit trust, or offshore fund, then the relevant holding is treated as rights under a creditor loan relationship, and any distribution in respect of that holding is not a distribution and is therefore within Part 5.

5.Subsection (4) makes consequential repeals of subsections (4) and (5) of section 490.

6.Subsection (5) replaces section 492 CTA 2009 with a new section 492.

7.Section 492(1) sets out the circumstances in which the provision applies. Subsection 492(2) applies where section 490 applies to a relevant holding in a fund held by a company, where a relevant fund enters into any arrangements, and the main purpose or one of the main purposes of the arrangements is to obtain a tax advantage for any person.

8.Section 492(2) provides that a holder of an interest in a bond fund must make adjustments to counteract any tax advantage that arises which is connected in any way with the arrangements mentioned in subsection 492(1).

9.Section 492(3) provides that the arrangements may be entered into at a time when the company does not hold the relevant holding, and that the person obtaining the tax advantage need not be identified when the arrangements are entered into.

10.Section 492(4) provides that the adjustments required are those which are just and reasonable.

11.Section 492(5) defines terms used in the legislation.

12.Subsection (6) amends the definition of qualifying holdings in section 495 CTA 2009.  It repeals subsection (2), which formerly restricted the categories of qualifying investment to be taken into account in deciding whether holdings in funds were qualifying holdings, and makes consequential amendments to subsection (1).

13.Subsections (7) to (9) are commencement provisions. They provide that the amendments have effect for accounting periods beginning on or after 1 April 2014, and provide that for these purposes a new accounting period begins on 1 April 2014. Any apportionment may be made on a time basis, or a just and reasonable basis.

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