Energy Act 2013 Explanatory Notes

Section 155: Extent

653.This section sets out the territorial extent of the provisions in the Act. Most provisions in the Act extend to England and Wales, and Scotland (see subsection (1)).

654.Subsection (2) provides that Part 1 (decarbonisation), Chapters 1, 2, 4, and 8 of Part 2 (electricity market reform), section 56 (transition to certificate purchase scheme), section 63 (exemption from liability in damages), much of Part 3 (nuclear regulation) and Part 7 (final provisions) also extend to Northern Ireland.

655.Subsection (3) provides that section 55(4) (which enables powers relating to closure of support under the renewables obligation in Northern Ireland to have effect there) extends only to Northern Ireland. Subsection (4) states that sections 145 (fuel poverty) and 150 (smoke and carbon monoxide alarms) extend to England and Wales only. Subsection (5) provides that section 149 (fees in respect of decommissioning and clean-up of nuclear sites) extends only to England and Wales and to Northern Ireland.

656.Subsection (7) states that the minor and consequential amendments covered in Schedule 12 will have the same extent as the provisions they amend except for four exceptions that are listed in paragraphs (a) to (d) of that subsection.

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