Explanatory Notes

Energy Act 2013

2013 CHAPTER 32

18 December 2013

Commentary on Sections

Part 2: Electricity Market Reform

Chapter 3: Capacity Market
Section 30: Settlement body

149.In the event that a settlement body is appointed to administer capacity payments and capacity incentives, this section enables regulations to require electricity suppliers or capacity providers to make payments to the settlement body for certain ancillary purposes. Under subsection (1), payments may be required to cover the settlement body’s administration costs, to enable it to hold sums in reserve, and to mutualise payments across suppliers to cover those not made by an insolvent or defaulting supplier. Subsection (3) also enables the regulations to require electricity suppliers or capacity providers to provide collateral. Subsections (4) and (5) enable regulations to include provision for the determination by the settlement body or by another person specified by the regulations, of the amounts of payments due from electricity suppliers or capacity providers, under this section and the form and terms of any collateral.