Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 Explanatory Notes

Protection of Freedoms Act 2012

2012 CHAPTER 9

The Act

Commentary on Sections

Part 5: Safeguarding vulnerable groups, criminal records etc.
Chapter 1: Safeguarding of vulnerable groups
Section 74: Restrictions on duplication with Scottish and Northern Ireland barred lists

305.Section 74 prevents duplication between the barred lists held in respect of England and Wales, Northern Ireland, and Scotland. It provides that the ISA must not include a person in the barred lists (which apply in England and Wales) if it knows that the person is included in a corresponding list. A corresponding list is one which is maintained under the law of Scotland or Northern Ireland, and which is specified by order of the Secretary of State as corresponding to either the children’s barred list or the adults’ barred list maintained by the ISA.

306.This section also enables the ISA to remove a person from the barred lists if they know that a person is included in a corresponding list maintained in Northern Ireland or Scotland.

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