Finance Act 2012 Explanatory Notes

Background Note

12.A reverse charge is a mechanism for taxing supplies of services bought by businesses from outside the UK but consumed within the UK.

13.Supplies made by one member of a VAT group to another are disregarded (section 43(1) of VATA). Therefore no VAT would be chargeable when supplies from outside the UK are brought into a UK VAT group by a member belonging overseas. Sections 43(2A) to 43(2E) of VATA are anti-avoidance provisions preventing reverse charges from being avoided by buying in services, ultimately for consumption within the UK, via a VAT group member belonging overseas.

14.This valuation provision is necessary (as was the concession it replaces) to restrict the impact of sections 43(2A) to 43(2E), in appropriate circumstances, to the bought–in services introduced into the UK via an intra-group charge. Without this provision the charge would apply to the use of the overseas group member’s own resources included in the intra-group charges as well as the bought in services.

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