Finance Act 2012 Explanatory Notes

Chapter 6

44.Section 109 applies the rules in Chapter 6 to the calculation of BLAGAB trade profit or loss and the non-BLAGAB long-term business profit.

45.Section 110 allows a deduction in calculating profits for sums allocated to policyholders except where certain sums of a capital nature are allocated to with-profits policyholders.

46.Section 111 brings dividends and other company distributions into account as receipts in calculating the profits unless they are capital distributions. This section overrides the general rule that such dividends and distributions are not taxable.

47.Section 112 disapplies the provisions in CTA 2009 which exempt the indexation return on index-linked gilt-edged securities (gilts) from tax under the loan relationship rules in computing trade profits. But the section does not apply where the gilts are held to back index-linked PHI liabilities to policyholders.

48.Section 113 excludes profits, receipts and expenses arising from long-term business fixed capital assets from the computation of profits.

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