Part 4: Qualifications and the Curriculum
16.This Part requires sampled schools to take part in international education surveys when directed by the Secretary of State.
17.It amends the governance structure of the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual) and revises its standards objective to include international comparison. It makes changes to the enforcement powers of Ofqual and of Welsh Ministers (as the regulator of qualifications in Wales).
18.This Part abolishes a further arm’s length body, the Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency (QCDA). The Act provides for the relevant functions of the QCDA to be transferred to the Secretary of State and gives the necessary powers to make schemes for the transfer of staff from this body to the Secretary of State.
19.It also amends legislation relating to provision of careers education and guidance and repeals the duty on local authorities, schools and governing bodies to secure access to the diploma entitlement for 16 to 18 year olds and pupils in the fourth key stage.