Section 1: Initial duties
10.Section 1 imposes three initial duties on the Treasury to secure sound public finances.
11.Subsection (1) places a duty on the Treasury to ensure that for each of the financial years ending in 2011 to 2016, public sector net borrowing as a percentage of GDP is less than it was for the preceding year.
12.Subsection (2) places a duty on the Treasury to ensure that for the financial year ending in 2014, public sector net borrowing as a percentage of GDP is no more than half of what it was for the financial year ending in 2010.
13.Subsection (3) places a duty on the Treasury to ensure that public sector net debt as at the end of the financial year 2016 as a percentage of GDP (centred on 31 March 2016) is less than public sector net debt as at the end of the previous financial year as a percentage of GDP (centred on 31 March 2015).