

Schedule 6Marine plans: preparation and adoption

Marine plan authority to notify related planning authorities of decision to prepare plan

1(1)A marine plan authority which decides to prepare a marine plan for a marine plan area must, before beginning to prepare the plan, give notice of its intention to do so to each of the related planning authorities.

(2)The “related planning authorities” are—

(a)the Secretary of State (unless the Secretary of State is the marine plan authority);

(b)any marine plan authority whose marine planning region adjoins or is adjacent to the marine plan area;

(c)if the Scottish inshore region adjoins or is adjacent to the marine plan area, the Scottish Ministers;

(d)any local planning authority whose area adjoins or is adjacent to the marine plan area;

(e)any responsible regional authorities whose region adjoins or is adjacent to the marine plan area.

(3)In this paragraph—