Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Explanatory Notes

Section 118: Further provision as to orders designating MCZs

337.This section sets out further requirements for MCZ designations, including the requirement to specify the boundaries of the designated area.

338.Subsection (3) provides for the inclusion in an MCZ of any island regardless of whether the land lies above mean high water spring tide. This will be particularly relevant where there are numerous small islands, transient sand banks or rocky outcrops (which would be impracticable to exclude individually). Islands which should be excluded from an MCZ may be identified in the designation order.

339.Subsections (4) and (5) allow Ministers to extend the boundary of an MCZ to include an additional adjacent area of seashore above mean high water spring tide if certain conditions apply. These conditions include the requirement that the feature(s) which comprise the grounds for designating the MCZ are also present in the extended area. This may be appropriate where a threatened species is also present in the area of land above mean high water spring tide and protection depends on extending the boundary of the MCZ.

340.Subsection (6) requires that an MCZ includes land whether or not it is covered by water (which will include the sea bed and foreshore) and in the case of an area within the seaward limits of the territorial sea or the exclusive economic zone, may include the water covering it (which includes the water column at sea, estuarial/transitional waters, pools and lagoons).

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