Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Explanatory Notes

Section 96: Variable monetary penalties: procedure

297.This section specifies certain minimum requirements that the licensing authority must ensure that any variable monetary penalty regime includes. In particular, when imposing the penalty the enforcing authority is required to issue a notice of intent to the person which must contain the information specified in subsection (3) and must provide the person with an opportunity to discharge the liability by making a payment or offering an undertaking (for example, remediation works or another kind of activity). Alternatively a person may make representations against the imposition of the notice. The authority may decide to impose a variable monetary penalty by a “final notice” which must contain the information specified in subsection (6) and the authority will take into account any representations it has received. A person on whom a final notice is served has a right of appeal. Subsection (7) sets out the minimum grounds for appeal that must be available.

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