Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Explanatory Notes

Section 85: Breach of requirement for, or conditions of, a licence

268.It is an offence for a person to carry out a licensable activity (as defined in section 66) without a licence or to do so in a manner that breaches any conditions of a licence.

269.With regard to the construction, alteration or improvement of any works, any person who owns, occupies or enjoys the use of the works and is, by virtue of section 71(5), bound by specified conditions in a licence is not to be taken to have committed an offence unless the enforcement authority has served a notice on the person identifying the particular condition and specifying a period within which the condition must be complied with, and the person fails to comply with the condition within that period.

270.Subsection (4) states the penalties for committing any such offence.

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