Erection and maintenance of notices and signs
1039.Paragraph 6 allows Natural England to put up and maintain certain notices or signs on land over which the route passes and land which is accessible to the public by virtue of an order under section 3A of the CROW Act. Sub-paragraph (2) provides that notices or signs may identify or provide information about the route, warn the public of obstacles or hazards along the route or be any other notices or signs relating to the coastal route. Sub-paragraph (3) provides that Natural England must consult the owner and lawful occupier of land before erecting a notice or sign. Sub-paragraph (4) allows Natural England to meet or contribute towards the costs to others of erecting such notices and signs. Sub-paragraph (5) allows Natural England to delegate its powers under this section to the access authority.
1040.Sub-paragraph (6) provides that this paragraph does not apply in relation to a highway over which there are rights for mechanically propelled vehicles, or a footway (for example, a pavement) which forms part of such a right of way. The effect of this is that the powers in the paragraph may be used on footpaths, bridleways and restricted byways but not on highways over which there are rights to drive mechanically propelled vehicles, or footways attached to such highways. Sub-paragraph (7) defines “mechanically propelled vehicles” and “footways” for the purposes of sub-paragraph (6). The term “mechanically propelled vehicle” when used in this context does not include electrically assisted pedal cycles.
1041.Paragraph 7 amends section 19 of the CROW Act to give Natural England the same powers as the access authority with regard to notices indicating the boundaries of access land where that land is coastal margin.