Explanatory Notes

Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009

2009 CHAPTER 23

12th November 2009

Summary and Background

Part 8: Enforcement

Chapter 2: Common Enforcement Powers
Entry, search and seizure
Section 252: Powers of seizure, etc

657.This section enables an enforcement officer to seize and detain or remove anything found on premises or, where a person has been undertaking an activity in respect of which the officer has enforcement powers, any item in the person’s possession or control. The officer may also take copies of, or extracts from, any document or record found on the relevant premises. These powers are exercisable either for the purposes of determining whether an offence has been committed or where the officer believes the item is evidence that an offence has been committed. Subsection (5) limits the power so that it does not allow an officer to remove any document that is required by law to be kept on the premises, such as vessel registration papers. However, subsection (6) allows such items to be seized when a vessel is in port.

658.Subsection (7) prevents an officer seizing an item which is subject to legal privilege (as defined by the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984) or, in Scotland, for which a claim to confidentiality of communications could be made.