Careers education
Section 250: Careers education in schools: England
848.This section amends section 43 of the Education Act 1997, which requires a state secondary school in England to provide pupils with a programme of careers education. The effect of the new subsections (2ZA) and (2ZB) inserted into section 43 by this section is to require the school to ensure that the programme of careers education includes information on options available in respect of 16-18 education or training and, specifically, information on apprenticeships. This is the responsibility of the governing body of the school and its head teacher or, in the case of a pupil referral unit, the local education authority maintaining the unit and the teacher in charge of it. In support of this provision, the Government has issued statutory guidance under section 45A of the Education Act 1997 (as inserted by section 81 of the Education and Skills Act 2008).