Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 Explanatory Notes

Section 207: Power of Local Commissioner to investigate complaint

684.The section enables a Local Commissioner to investigate the complaint made by the complainant. Where head teachers or governing bodies have considered the complaint and feel the complaint should be referred to a Local Commissioner, they may do so with the complainant’s consent. For example, a head teacher or governing body may feel they have done all they can to assist the complainant and a Local Commissioner may be able to resolve the issue.

685.Before proceeding to investigate a matter a Local Commissioner must be satisfied that the governing body had notice of the matter complained about and an opportunity to investigate and respond, or that it is not reasonable in the circumstances to expect the matter to be brought to the attention of the governing body (subsection (3)(b). A Local Commissioner is able to use discretion to take a flexible approach and proceed with an investigation if satisfied that it is not reasonable to expect the matter to have first been brought to the attention of the governing body.

686.A Local Commissioner is able to investigate or discontinue complaints as it feels appropriate. If a Local Commissioner is satisfied with the steps the school is taking or is going to take, or that the complaint is vexatious, he or she may decide not to investigate the complaint.

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