
Part 1Gas Importation and Storage

Chapter 3Storage of carbon dioxide

Activities requiring a licence

17Prohibition on unlicensed activities

(1)No person may carry on an activity within subsection (2) except in accordance with a licence.

(2)The activities are—

(a)the use of a controlled place for the storage of carbon dioxide (with a view to its permanent disposal, or as an interim measure prior to its permanent disposal);

(b)the conversion of any natural feature in a controlled place for the purpose of storing carbon dioxide (with a view to its permanent disposal, or as an interim measure prior to its permanent disposal);

(c)the exploration of a controlled place with a view to, or in connection with, the carrying on of activities within paragraph (a) or (b);

(d)the establishment or maintenance in a controlled place of an installation for the purposes of activities within this subsection.

(3)In this section, “controlled place” means a place in, under or over—

(a)the territorial sea, or

(b)waters in a Gas Importation and Storage Zone.