Energy Act 2008 Explanatory Notes

Section 78: Third party access to infrastructure

399.This section extends the scope of definitions in the existing legislation, so that parts of the upstream petroleum infrastructure not currently covered by the third party access regulatory regime are brought within their scope.

400.Subsection (1) amends section 66(1) of the Pipe-lines Act 1962 (c.58) (interpretation) to expand the definitions of:

  • “Gas processing operation” to include separating, purifying, blending, odorising or compressing gas to convert it into a form in which a purchaser is willing to accept delivery from a seller, or to enable the gas to be delivered to another place either inside or outside Great Britain. The expanded definition also covers the loading of gas for the purpose of enabling the processed gas to be transported to another place (whether inside or outside Great Britain) either at a facility carrying out gas processing operations (as described above) or where the gas has been piped from such a facility.

  • “Terminal” to include oil processing facilities (oil processing facilities are defined at section 78)

  • “Upstream petroleum pipe-line” to include apparatus, works and services that are associated with the operation of a pipe-line or network. As a result, the new definition captures services used for operating upstream petroleum pipelines which are not currently part of the third party access regulatory regime.

The effect of the expanded definitions is to increase the scope of the Secretary of State’s powers over third party access to upstream petroleum pipe-lines provided by section 10E of the Pipe-lines Act 1962 (c58).

401.Subsection (2) amends subsection (6) of section 12 of the Gas Act 1995 (c.45) (acquisition of rights to use gas processing facilities) to expand the definition of:

  • “Gas processing operation” to include separating, purifying, blending, odorising or compressing gas to convert it into a form in which a purchaser is willing to accept delivery from a seller, or to enable the gas to be delivered to another place either inside or outside Great Britain. The expanded definition also covers the loading of gas for the purpose of enabling the processed gas to be transported to another place (whether inside or outside Great Britain) either at a facility carrying out gas processing operations (as described above) or where the gas has been piped from such a facility.

402.Subsection (2) also amends subsection (7) of section 12 of the Gas Act 1995 to expand the definition of:

  • “Associate” to bring it in line with the new provisions covering third party access to oil processing facilities in this Act. The definition of associate is set out in section 79 and is explained in the detailed commentary to that section. These changes ensure the definition of associate is consistent across the whole of the third party access regime for upstream petroleum infrastructure.

The effect of the expanded definitions is to increase the scope of the Secretary of State’s powers over third party access to gas processing facilities under section 12 of the Gas Act 1995 (c 45).

403.Subsections (3) and (4) amend sections 26 and 28 of the Petroleum Act 1998 (c.17) respectively. Subsection (3) amends section 26 (“meaning of pipeline”) so as to expand the scope of the definition of a pipe-line to include services (for example the provision of fuel or power needed to operate third party equipment on or from the host facility) as well as the apparatus and works associated with a pipe-line.

404.Subsection (4) amends section 28 (interpretation of Part 3) in two ways, expanding the definitions of:

  • “Gas processing operation” so as to bring it into line with the changes in the Pipe-lines Act 1962 and the Gas Act 1995 described above, i.e. to include separating, purifying, blending, odorising or compressing gas to convert it into a form in which a purchaser is willing to accept delivery from a seller, or to enable the gas to be delivered to another place either inside or outside Great Britain. The expanded definition also covers the loading of gas for the purpose of enabling the processed gas to be transported to another place whether inside or outside Great Britain, either at a facility carrying out gas processing operations (as described above) or where the gas has been piped from such a facility.

  • “Terminal” to include oil processing facilities (oil processing facilities are defined at subsection (4)(b)).

The effect of the expanded definitions is to increase the scope of the Secretary of State’s powers over third party access to controlled petroleum pipelines under section 17F of the Petroleum Act 1998.

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