Pensions Act 2008 Explanatory Notes

Section 116: Discharge of liability

295.Section 116 sets out the procedure which the Board must follow in order to discharge its liability in respect of a pension compensation credit. The beneficiary of a pension compensation order (or qualifying agreement) will in the first place receive a notice stating that they are entitled to periodic compensation and setting out the initial annual amount of that compensation (subsection (2) and (7)). The initial annual amount will have been calculated by the Board (subsection (4)) and will reflect the value of the rights transferred by the court (subsection (5)). The timing of payments, and calculation of their amounts in the future, is set out in Schedule 5.

296.Subsection (8) provides a power to make provision for what is to happen if the person dies before the Board makes its calculation and sends out the notice. For example, regulations will provide for survivor’s benefits to be paid where appropriate.

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